Disney U-turn on Snow White


Other Christian
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I thought for sure with a name like Zegler that the actress would be jewish but nope, just polish/Colombian
Get used to seeing more stuff like that. I know a little bit about the film business and it’s important to understand that releases you see today started production about three years ago. Meaning we are still experiencing the tail end of the 2019 and 2020 wokeness parade. It’s fair to say that the 2025 and 2026 releases will have barely any in-your-face wokeness polluting them.
It appears that Disney has delayed the release of the new Snow White movie, in order to "de-woke" it, amd replaced the original little guys with some very traditional looking CGI types:

Nothing like the threat of a thumping box office loss to make people see sense.

Edit to get the CGI acronym correct!

Yeah fellas! My boy John from Disney made one call and got it sorted:

"Men are trash men are trash, slapping myself right now"

Steve Harvey Wow GIF by NBC
Speaking of Jewish actresses, one funny thing about the debacle surrounding this movie is that the plot revolves around a character played by Gal Gadot being "jealous of the beauty" of a character played by Rachel Zegler:

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That's what I hate about movies today- the way they twist reality. Case in point: Gal Gadot is much more attractive than Rachel Zegler. I'm sure that's only one thing about the film that would bother me, if I was ever unfortunate enough to see it, if it even gets released.

We're in such a period of cultural decline and decadence, which future historians will hopefully deride.
I think they are just rearranging deck chairs on the titanic at this point.

Inasmuch as the woker (yes, even the tweaked version will just be less woke) Snow White being turfed is a backtrack of sorts, this particular incident represents a mere 0.0000000001% of what’s fundamentally wrong with the entertainment industry, both in promoting degeneracy and in dumbing down audiences with bizarre, anti-reality presuppositions like, as someone already mentioned, Gal Gadot being less good-looking than the generic diversity hire.

As hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainian men are slaughtered because their government leaders behind the front lines lack both collective and individual spines, Hollywood (and all other Western national entertainment industries) continues to churn out garbage that puts forward the idea that women are the best fighters, for example.

Someone please call Zelensky and tell him that his best soldiers are mistakenly monkey-branching on Tinder out of Ukraine. Get these women back fast!

Inasmuch as the woker (yes, even the tweaked version will just be less woke) Snow White being turfed is a backtrack of sorts, this particular incident represents a mere 0.0000000001% of what’s fundamentally wrong with the entertainment industry, both in promoting degeneracy and in dumbing down audiences with bizarre, anti-reality presuppositions like, as someone already mentioned, Gal Gadot being less good-looking than the generic diversity hire.

As hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainian men are slaughtered because their government leaders behind the front lines lack both collective and individual spines, Hollywood (and all other Western national entertainment industries) continues to churn out garbage that puts forward the idea that women are the best fighters, for example.

Someone please call Zelensky and tell him that his best soldiers are mistakenly monkey-branching on Tinder out of Ukraine. Get these women back fast!

And what a monumental insult to those fighting men. It's just simple disrespect, plain and simple. I can only imagine what they're experiencing now and will be after the war.

The trope of the indestructible "girl next door" emasculates men, it's like psychological castration. Worse still, it's intentional and part of the agenda. "They" hate masculinity, that's why they labeled it "toxic". Its because of their hate that they'll resort to such lows when it comes to their treatment of men. A man's fundamental purpose is to protect and fight for his woman. When you invert this even if its through fantasy, it devastates the psyche and produces the men that are, sadly, prevalent in the West.

Drones, automatons, feeble, weak...but they are these things only because they've been convinced that they are not as good as another person to whom they are clearly superior. Also, they know instinctively that they are stronger, yet, are constantly told otherwise, which creates further conflict and internal discord.

Men are stronger than women, it's obvious to all. But, present-day propaganda is very persuasive. All it takes is to program some CGI and swap out the hero for a heroine and you get the desired situation and, importantly, the desired effects that will emasculate men.

Its an insult to men that are risking their very lives to be told they're not as good as some slut. In fact, its more than an insult, its grotesque. But that's the West for you. When its all said and done, women and their selfish and depraved sexual desires, or their self-image as an unobtainable sexual object, is all that matters. And it is why all those men in Ukraine are currently dying for.