Derek Chauvin Stabbed in Prison

I feel so terrible for this guy, he was completely sacrificed to the mob anyone with half a brain knows he shouldn't be in jail but nobody will ever help him. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to be him, the despair and anger must be debilitating....
Sentenced to jail 22 years ago at the end of November, stabs Chauvin 22 times. Nothing suspicious.

Meanwhile...below is the LA Times full article from 2001.

Former FBI Informant Gets 30 Years in Prison​

A former Mexican Mafia member who admitted carrying out a number of crimes while working as an undercover FBI informant was sentenced Monday in Los Angeles federal court to 30 years in prison.

John Turscak, 30, expressed bitter disappointment with his sentence. He told U.S. District Judge A. Howard Matz, “I didn’t commit those crimes for kicks. I did them because I had to if I wanted to stay alive. I told that to the [FBI] agents and they just said, ‘Do what you have to do.’ ”

In 1997, Turscak became an informant in an investigation that resulted in the indictment of more than 40 alleged Mexican Mafia members and associates.

Midway through the probe, however, prosecutors dropped him as an informer after he admitted dealing drugs, extorting money and authorizing assaults while on the government payroll.

Turscak pleaded guilty to racketeering and conspiring to kill a rival in the prison-based gang. He could have received a maximum of life in prison.
I feel so terrible for this guy, he was completely sacrificed to the mob anyone with half a brain knows he shouldn't be in jail but nobody will ever help him. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to be him, the despair and anger must be debilitating....
I pray for him every so often. I should probably make that a regular thing. I know he wasn't a completely clean cop, but in the situation with George Floyd there was literally nothing else he could have done, other than let the obviously intoxicated felon drive off.
I once read somewhere that Chauvin and Floyd previously knew each other from working security together at a bar. Any truth to this? If so, it's very "coincidental." I mean, what would be the numerical odds?
I would have more respect for the powers-that-be if they flogged or hanged criminals in public.

Instead they put criminals in jail to the tax payers' expense and use other inmates to administer the punishment that the state is too cowardly to mete out.

It’s just a matter if time before wrongthink is a capital offense. I’m some states it is halfway there. Florida governor Ron Desantis just outlawed antisemitic wrong think earlier this year, it wasn’t jail for life but we are getting close to that.
It’s just a matter if time before wrongthink is a capital offense. I’m some states it is halfway there. Florida governor Ron Desantis just outlawed antisemitic wrong think earlier this year, it wasn’t jail for life but we are getting close to that.

This is more hysterical hyperbole. In what state are we "half way there" with regards to a "capital offense" for "wrongthink?" This is more of the same garbage that a few of the usual members peddled on the last site. Again, it makes men on this site look stupid when a few members make exaggerated claims with nothing to back it up. It's the same as the left saying Donald Trump is a dictator and trying to steal our democracy. It's histrionics like this that make me shy away from leading other men to this site.
This is more hysterical hyperbole. In what state are we "half way there" with regards to a "capital offense" for "wrongthink?" This is more of the same garbage that a few of the usual members peddled on the last site. Again, it makes men on this site look stupid when a few members make exaggerated claims with nothing to back it up. It's the same as the left saying Donald Trump is a dictator and trying to steal our democracy. It's histrionics like this that make me shy away from leading other men to this site.

I guess you have not been keeping up with news?

“Known as the “Public Nuisances” bill, the legislation — passed Wednesday by the Legislature — makes it a felony for hate groups to harass people for their religion or ethnicity. “

You do understand it’s now a felony in Florida to insult jews for their jewing?

This is the Florida bill that Desantis signed while in Israel .

Yes it will vary state to state , this is most definitely an example of shifting the Overton window. It’s currently a felony in Florida to insult a jew for jewing. In the future they will most definitely make it more severe or try to. This ranks up with the patriot act with anti free speech laws as an attack on the bill of rights
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I guess you have not been keeping up with news?

“Known as the “Public Nuisances” bill, the legislation — passed Wednesday by the Legislature — makes it a felony for hate groups to harass people for their religion or ethnicity. “

You do understand it’s now a felony in Florida to insult jews for their jewing?

This is the Florida bill that Desantis signed while in Israel .
I can see his point. We may not actually be half way to having capital punishment for this. Also, I suspect the number of prosecutions under Florida's law will be low.

I agreed with the post about being half way there when I first read it, but I have to admit there is some hyperbole here.

Edit: I do think the Derek Chauvin case is egregious, and that he was railroaded in a kangaroo court for political purposes. That being said, the risk of this happening to any specific individual in this country is still very low, like millions to 1. I expect it will get worse, but we're all still saying things we couldn't say under a more oppressive regime.
I would have more respect for the powers-that-be if they flogged or hanged criminals in public.

Instead they put criminals in jail to the tax payers' expense and use other inmates to administer the punishment that the state is too cowardly to mete out.
This is what was done in the past in various civilizations in one form or another. You either got rid of a criminal/troublemaker/bad influence on the rest of the community or you made an example out of them as a warning to others not to repeat the same offenses.

Now with the internet you could easily broadcast such a display to the rest of the country but today's politicians and law enforcement are spineless and only care about money, power, maintaining their public image and not upsetting the higher powers they report to as well as the orcs of society.

It reminds me of King Nebuchadnezzar's statue from his first dream, specifically the feet made of iron and clay which represent the last powerful earthly kingdom before being destroyed by God. Iron to represent strength and power but despite being powerful it's also made weak by division amongst its rulers and people represented by the clay.

Criminals and ex-cons have no fear or respect these days and have far greater reach and influence to impressionable minds with the internet and social media. Setting precedents via the old ways would be a fresh start to even begin trying to scratch the surface of society's problems.