Danger Tourism: Befriending The Taliban (Lord Miles)


Orthodox Catechumen
I initally called this thead the Andrew Tate thread but realised it might not be wise. And, in this instance not particularly relevant to what I wanted to highlight. Anyway, I came across this interview today (starts at 2 hours in).

It's with a guy called 'Lord Miles', a Welsh kid who's thing is danger tourism. Long story short, he got captured and became friends with The Taliban. Very interesting and entertaining watch.

Here is a really cool interview between him and Count Dankula

Lord Miles is apparently a devout Roman Catholic. I wonder if God would approve of taking such huge risks without much reason. The taliban thing is for a good reason, Miles is just doing business with them. But in other instances, he's really just courting death for fun, visiting that snake island in Brazil and whatnot.

If you go out of your way to do something incredibly dangerous, for no other reason than "fun", and die because of it, would that count as suicide in the day of judgement, since it's a result of events put in motion by you, with full knowledge of the risks, and with no noble justification? It's one thing to willingly risk death for the sake of nation or family, I assume those get a pass as not suicide. But for dopamine and social media clout?

Hoping that this man dies from old age and not in one of his adventures. He's really cool and interesting.
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I remember this guy's videos, but stopped watching. It doesn't surprise the Taliban took an interest. He doesn't sound like a devout Catholic with some of the language.

Is it because he enjoys courting danger or he enjoys the the clicks, fame and income. I remember the early days of YouTube when people uploaded videos of stuff that was of great interest to them. Posting content was a time consuming hobby. Nowadays channels are viewed as a job and content is decided on the views it'll bring.