Crusade on meat: The powers that be want to inject our meat with mRNA vaccines.

That's pretty worrisome. Honestly it's exhausting having to deal with the fact that all the food everywhere is literally poison. I mean, I know this has all been prophesied by saints so it was inevitable at some point, but it kinda sucks to be part of the generation that has to deal with the end times.

The other day I was hungry so I wanted to buy a snack at a local store. I went in there and saw the bags of chips and other such goyslop, and obviously I knew better than to eat those. So I looked around to see if I could find anything healthy, and found that they were selling bags of peanuts. "Surely", I thought to myself, "the peanuts are fine to eat, right? They're a whole food", but then I took the bag and looked at the ingredients in the back and saw soy in there. WHY IS THERE SOY IN MY PEANUTS?

An interesting question. I, with zero evidence but also with zero doubts, arrived at one simple answer:


Anyway, back to vaccines, toxins and hormones in meat. I buy my meat at the local farmers' market, but even that is no guarantee of anything, is it? I mean, if I owned some land and was running a farm for profit, I don't see why I wouldn't buy some hormones so that my chickens could grow to adulthood in 4 weeks rather than 4 months. Even if I buy the expensive stuff at the supermarket that says "100% organic, 100% grass fed", I do not actually trust that it's true. Supposedly, there are government/private bodies that enforce such claims, but I do not trust them to actually check or enforce anything, and instead I usually prefer to trust that don Pedro at the wet market didn't feed or inject his cows with anything too weird.

I try to stick to cow beef, since cows are huge, powerful ungulates, and thus a lot better at disposing of toxins and excess hormones than chickens or fish are. I buy it from don Pedro and sometimes I buy the organic stuff that costs 3x at the supermarket. What can I do beyond this? Any tips?
I was also surprised to see that a lot of nuts are garbage, especially peanuts. Many of them are cooked in seed oils as well. Always check to make sure that they're not.

Most chicken is garbage nowadays, at least in the US. Cows are much better to eat, even if they're not grass fed. They are better at digesting any bad feed they might eat, unlike a chicken or pig. Eat lots of beef. The nutritional value and taste is some of the best you can get. Ideally it would be grass fed, but that's not financially possible for a lot of people.
That's pretty worrisome. Honestly it's exhausting having to deal with the fact that all the food everywhere is literally poison. I mean, I know this has all been prophesied by saints so it was inevitable at some point, but it kinda sucks to be part of the generation that has to deal with the end times.

The other day I was hungry so I wanted to buy a snack at a local store. I went in there and saw the bags of chips and other such goyslop, and obviously I knew better than to eat those. So I looked around to see if I could find anything healthy, and found that they were selling bags of peanuts. "Surely", I thought to myself, "the peanuts are fine to eat, right? They're a whole food", but then I took the bag and looked at the ingredients in the back and saw soy in there. WHY IS THERE SOY IN MY PEANUTS?

An interesting question. I, with zero evidence but also with zero doubts, arrived at one simple answer:

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Anyway, back to vaccines, toxins and hormones in meat. I buy my meat at the local farmers' market, but even that is no guarantee of anything, is it? I mean, if I owned some land and was running a farm for profit, I don't see why I wouldn't buy some hormones so that my chickens could grow to adulthood in 4 weeks rather than 4 months. Even if I buy the expensive stuff at the supermarket that says "100% organic, 100% grass fed", I do not actually trust that it's true. Supposedly, there are government/private bodies that enforce such claims, but I do not trust them to actually check or enforce anything, and instead I usually prefer to trust that don Pedro at the wet market didn't feed or inject his cows with anything too weird.

I try to stick to cow beef, since cows are huge, powerful ungulates, and thus a lot better at disposing of toxins and excess hormones than chickens or fish are. I buy it from don Pedro and sometimes I buy the organic stuff that costs 3x at the supermarket. What can I do beyond this? Any tips?
I do notice that chickens pumped up with hormones and crap taste different than the organic chicken I buy instead. So it's probably legit that organic chickens are indeed what they say they are.
On the positive side, I recently saw the facebook guy on his instagram, looks like he is changing, he now lives on a ranch and he is farming so seriously good looking meat and is sharing some great looking stakes, he even has an underground bunker and is planting fruit trees etc, he says he wants to produce the highest quality meat, his followers left some mean comments they not happy he is killing animals and eating meat, they asking him to produce vegan food and stick to technology haha
I never understood the deal with meat substitutes. There are plenty of meals you can make without meat that taste nice. It has always struck me as bizarre. But I think I sort of get it now. The whole thing has been prepping our mindset to object to meat on moral grounds but still want to eat it (or at least a simulation of it) so that we are primed to accept lab grown meat.

If you have no moral qualms about eating meat, then you aren't going to want to eat something artificial, but if you object to meat on moral grounds and don't want something analogous to it in your diet then you won't care for artificial meat either.

When the lab grown meat tech becomes mainstream the vegans who soy face over fake meat will eat it because they have no moral qualms about it, and they will then be pushing hard on people who still want to eat real meat, saying that there is no possible excuse left. And then they will ban farming for meat because cow farts are making the weather bad.

The Significance Behind The Texas Fires

- This Is Another Blow To Our Supply Chain
- Where The Fires Happened Is Where 88% Of Texas Cattle Feed
- The US Is Already Down Roughly 1 Billion Pounds Of American Beef
- These Fires Are Another Win For Foreign Imports

Is it another “coincidence” that this specific location is on fire while globalist initiatives are trying to push everyone away beef in the United States? You decide.

“By now you guys have heard about the fires going on in Texas. Over half a million acres have burned so far. What a tragedy and misfortune for the families that are ranching there. A lot of people don't understand that that's one more hit to our nation's food supply chain. We are already in a very vulnerable position. And the lowest cattle numbers we've seen since 1950.

We're down like a billion pounds in beef in the country, which means they're gonna have to import more, which doesn't help the local producers, which continues to weaken our food supply chain. We're not even into summer yet and dealing with whatever droughts may show up now. So here's what you can do. Find your local farmers and ranchers and have their back. Make sure that they know they're growing their food or raising their food for somebody in America that cares.

What we can do is change the way we source our food, leave the existing grocery supply chain where they get the retail dollar and go to our farmers and ranchers, shake their hand and make sure they get the retail dollar. That's how we can secure our food supply chain and also end up making it better for not just the producers, but our families and our environment.”


The Paris Olympics overall was the worst organized Olympics ever. The opening ceremony was lacklustre and full of trannies, the Olympic village accommodation was shocking with shortages of toilet paper and beds made of cardboard etc. One athlete chose to sleep outside. And as seen in the post above the food was also severely lacking. Even third world countries like Brazil manage to have a more organized Olympics.