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Covid Jab Injuries


From Australia


Don't promote the snake oil.
In Australia, a canine vaccine (not covid related) has been withdrawn after one dog died and eight had adverse reactions. Proof, as if any was needed, as to just how little TPTB care about people:


The (lone) New Zealand IT Specialist that tracked vaxx payments to doctors (it was pay-per-shot) noticed something wrong early on. He's tracked NZ deaths, per batch and per doctor, since their introduction. Several years on, excess deaths remain very high. The cumulative effect is really something to behold.

Sorry but this is complete garbage. The prior video (even if it's legit) shows about 20% of the most deadly specific batches died not 20% of the entire vaxxed population which would be best part of a million people.
Sorry but this is complete garbage. The prior video (even if it's legit) shows about 20% of the most deadly specific batches died not 20% of the entire vaxxed population which would be best part of a million people.
New Zealand statistician and whistle blower data:

This statistician and whistleblower, Barry Young, 56, has been arrested by New Zealand authorities for exposing this data:

Mr. Young examined connections between specific COVID-19 vaccine batches and mortality rates. What he found was alarming:

Batch ID 1: Total Vaccinated 711, Death Count 152, 21.38% Dead

Batch ID 8: Total Vaccinated 221, Death Count 38, 17.19% Dead

Batch ID 3: Total Vaccinated 310, Death Count 48, 15.48% Dead

Batch ID 4: Total Vaccinated 364, Death Count 37, 10.16% Dead

Batch ID 6: Total Vaccinated 1006, Death Count 101, 10.04% Dead

Batch ID 2: Total Vaccinated 1018, Death Count 98, 9.63% Dead

Batch ID 7: Total Vaccinated 38, Death Count 3, 7.89% Dead

Batch ID 72: Total Vaccinated 5882, Death Count 278, 4.73% Dead

Batch ID 62: Total Vaccinated 18173, Death Count 831, 4.57% Dead

Batch ID 71: Total Vaccinated 11019, Death Count 498, 4.52% Dead

The underlying mortality rate in New Zealand should be only 0.75%, said Young. So the odds of all these deaths happening by chance is approximately 100 billion to 1.

"So statistically, what we're saying is that there is no chance that this vaccine is not a killer," declared Young.

Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch) earlier today said:

"The data is legit; that's why they are arresting Barry. He's a hero for exposing the truth."