Candace Owens

That girl has more balls than most men.


She's back. I'm a big fan of Candace, and I was really looking forward to her new series, but I was disappointed by this first episode.

She uses a photo of Ben Shapiro in the video thumbnail, but she barley even mentions him, and chooses to go after The Daily Wire's Andrew Kalvan (whoever that is) instead.

Also, three ad reads in a 30 minute video is a bit much.

Hopefully the next video is a bit better.

She's back. I'm a big fan of Candace, and I was really looking forward to her new series, but I was disappointed by this first episode.

She uses a photo of Ben Shapiro in the video thumbnail, but she barley even mentions him, and chooses to go after The Daily Wire's Andrew Kalvan (whoever that is) instead.

Also, three ad reads in a 30 minute video is a bit much.

Hopefully the next video is a bit better.

I watched it too, and I had never sat through a full episode of her podcast before. She went after Klaven hard because he was the one who went on a podcast tour and defamed her the most.
I like that she's getting interested in history and exposing things that most people don't know about. She got into a little bit of that when she talked about the Nazi book burnings.
So she is allowed to talk about the jews on Youtube?
Yeah, I'm totally convinced that she is not controlled opposition and a genuine warrior for the truth.

Her discourse so far has been focused, on dildo rabbi, aipac etc

As well, with Teitter being more free, the ban bar on YT is higher now.

I find it extremely odd that Nick Fuentes is banned from entering the TPUSA events, but Candace Owens isn't. We are aware that she has worked with Charlie Kirk in the past.

Isn't TPUSA run by America First (((Israel-first))) (((Zionists)))?
So she is allowed to talk about the jews on Youtube?
Yeah, I'm totally convinced that she is not controlled opposition and a genuine warrior for the truth.
Interesting how a little Black girl is allowed to champion Christ is King and talk about Talmudic Jews on major platforms, but no one else.

I find it extremely odd that Nick Fuentes is banned from entering the TPUSA events, but Candace Owens isn't. We are aware that she has worked with Charlie Kirk in the past.

Isn't TPUSA run by America First (((Israel-first))) (((Zionists)))?

Candace has built up a following within the ConInc network, banning her would be a bad look for TPUSA and would not go down well with a large segment of their following.

Interesting how a little Black girl is allowed to champion Christ is King and talk about Talmudic Jews on major platforms, but no one else.

She has 4 things, guts, FU money, a family and faith, that's why she went rogue.

I have a pretty good filter for gatekeepers, so far nothing lends me to believe that she's controlled opposition, to the contrary. It's pretty basic really: the main subjects that she has been attacking are precisely the subjects that gatekeepers are supposed to protect or divert from.
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I find it extremely odd that Nick Fuentes is banned from entering the TPUSA events, but Candace Owens isn't. We are aware that she has worked with Charlie Kirk in the past.

Isn't TPUSA run by America First (((Israel-first))) (((Zionists)))?

Candace's criticism of Israel is much more targeted than Nick Fuentes. Not saying he shouldn't be allowed an equal voice but his rhetoric against Jews is much broader. Candace built up a following and reputation within the mainstream while Nick has been sidelined as a white supremacist before he even started his career.
She has 4 things, guts, FU money, a family and faith, that's why she went rogue.
Her British husband comes from a very wealthy English family where money is not a problem.

Edit. Also, for those who remember, when Nick's Groyper Army took over the Q & A line at various TPUSA events across the country, Charlie Kirk and his guests were so clearly caught off guard and rattled by Groypers' ((()))-related questions. Since then, he banned any questions related to ((())) at TPUSA. This is why I find it odd that Candace gets some kind of free pass for criticizing the ((())) on her own platform (?) even though she is still allowed to be part of TPUSA.
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At this point, anyone who still thinks that Candace is some kind of a gatekeeper has got to be retarded.
I never liked this woman before but she is really impressing me!

She is now talking about how we were lied into WW2 and kinda sorta implying that Hitler did nothing wrong and saying that nuking civilians is evil and if you are on the side supporting that, you are an evil person. She also admits she probably wouldn't have said this a couple of years ago, so she is waking up and humbly admitting she was naive (she was so overconfidently ideological and wrong before, which was a huge turn off but boy she's really on my radar now).

Her story kind of reminds me of that guy from the W administration who finally woke up to all the lies he was telling and recanted and wrote a book about how everything they did was wrong and evil. I think he was a W speechwriter.

I can't post any clips since you can no longer search twitter without the app, but it's out there, she's commenting on Tucker Carlson saying the same thing about nuking people being evil.