Beauty / Aesthetics Thread


Other Christian
We didn't have a thread like this on the previous forum but i thought it might be a good idea to have one. Its similar to the good news and positivity thread but visually. Everything beautifull comes from God, beauty is good and perceiving beauty can inspire and uplift so thats the point of this thread. Whatever you think is interesting or fun to look at it doesnt have to be super polished or serious either. Since russia is a big topic lately i thought to start there.

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Funny you should post this thread today. I was watching a Polish lady's political commentary channel and she was showing some graffiti under a Szczeczin overpass. Now I detest graffiti with a vengeance, especially those low IQ squiggles that are the human equivalent of a dog lifting a leg, but these showed real talent. In fact it would be more fitting to call them guerilla art than graffiti. Graffiti, when it's diversity free, becomes art, eventually. It has to, it's who we are.

So it got me thinking, having a God given artistic talent and expressing it through busking, painting using public buildings as a canvas, dressing well (I need to up my game on this one) etc., are things that dissidents can engage in or support. As an example, I'm one maybe 20 people who regularly attend a Latin Mass. I do this because the TLM is beautiful. When we all sing Salve Maria together, I often have tears in my eyes.

Since tikkun olam, and its Freemasonic equivalent, "progress", has been applied to art, fashion., music, architecture, etc., this "repairing" & "improving" mirrors their own inner ugliness. Where I used to live I could see the London skyline, with silhouettes of its hideous recent architecture. It really was like staring across at Mordor. The synagogue of Satan must not prevail.
Funny you should post this thread today. I was watching a Polish lady's political commentary channel and she was showing some graffiti under a Szczeczin overpass. Now I detest graffiti with a vengeance, especially those low IQ squiggles that are the human equivalent of a dog lifting a leg, but these showed real talent. In fact it would be more fitting to call them guerilla art than graffiti. Graffiti, when it's diversity free, becomes art, eventually. It has to, it's who we are.

So it got me thinking, having a God given artistic talent and expressing it through busking, painting using public buildings as a canvas, dressing well (I need to up my game on this one) etc., are things that dissidents can engage in or support. As an example, I'm one maybe 20 people who regularly attend a Latin Mass. I do this because the TLM is beautiful. When we all sing Salve Maria together, I often have tears in my eyes.

Since tikkun olam, and its Freemasonic equivalent, "progress", has been applied to art, fashion., music, architecture, etc., this "repairing" & "improving" mirrors their own inner ugliness. Where I used to live I could see the London skyline, with silhouettes of its hideous recent architecture. It really was like staring across at Mordor. The synagogue of Satan must not prevail.
Yes making things bland and ugly is for the sake of their spiritual, cultural, political war. You can see this most clearly in modern art, fashion and architecture. There was a thread on RVF about why modern architecture looks so soulles and ugly. yes we need to discuss why and how its bad and its important to analyze the modern failures.

You only have to look at historical footage of what life looked like in 1800 and 1900s to see how far we have already fallen. It will be good to discuss what things should look like instead of the modern trends and how we can bring more beauty into our own lives with good dress, style, grooming, physical health, food, living environment etc. Just the act of striving towards beauty is a rebelion against globohomo.


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