Picking up from the thread earlier in the year...
My catechumen period is over and I was recently baptized and chrismated into the Russian Orthodox Church. For the most part catechism consisted of reading and conversations because it is a pretty small congregation and no one else happened to be up for being catechized at the same time - which I think made it end up taking less time than it would have with a number of others going through the process.
One of the biggest challenges has been working the prayer regimen that I want to follow into my everyday life. Morning, Evening, and Preparation for Communion comprise a formidable new segment of the week to find quiet time for! It is manageable though; sometimes especially with Evening prayers I end up doing sort of an abbreviated process but hope to become more consistent in the coming months.
There have been a few more challenges that crept in particularly just before and in the weeks after Baptism. Maybe this is simply a matter of the focus required for the events giving me a clearer perspective on all of the thoughts and passions I was already thinking about.
Anyway, it is a good thing I decided to look seriously into ROCOR before any of the opportunities that might have seemed more convenient.
(BTW not sure how to change my status from "Inquirer" to "Orthodox")
Looking for an Orthodox church to visit, and this is my first stab at checking out a physical church.
Here is the dilemma, tl/dr: I feel like ROCOR is a good fit for me and I've got a ROCOR church pretty far away that seems to not be overly enthused about having new people "visit" a liturgy, but which seems ideologically to have a wonderful orientation. I also have a GOC church very close by which seems very friendly and easy to visit, but kind of tepid in orientation.
My preference is strongly for a ROCOR church as that is where I see myself ending up, God willing. The...
Here is the dilemma, tl/dr: I feel like ROCOR is a good fit for me and I've got a ROCOR church pretty far away that seems to not be overly enthused about having new people "visit" a liturgy, but which seems ideologically to have a wonderful orientation. I also have a GOC church very close by which seems very friendly and easy to visit, but kind of tepid in orientation.
My preference is strongly for a ROCOR church as that is where I see myself ending up, God willing. The...
- StanWildman
- Replies: 11
- Forum: Orthodox Catechumens & Inquirers
My catechumen period is over and I was recently baptized and chrismated into the Russian Orthodox Church. For the most part catechism consisted of reading and conversations because it is a pretty small congregation and no one else happened to be up for being catechized at the same time - which I think made it end up taking less time than it would have with a number of others going through the process.
One of the biggest challenges has been working the prayer regimen that I want to follow into my everyday life. Morning, Evening, and Preparation for Communion comprise a formidable new segment of the week to find quiet time for! It is manageable though; sometimes especially with Evening prayers I end up doing sort of an abbreviated process but hope to become more consistent in the coming months.
There have been a few more challenges that crept in particularly just before and in the weeks after Baptism. Maybe this is simply a matter of the focus required for the events giving me a clearer perspective on all of the thoughts and passions I was already thinking about.
Anyway, it is a good thing I decided to look seriously into ROCOR before any of the opportunities that might have seemed more convenient.
(BTW not sure how to change my status from "Inquirer" to "Orthodox")