Ayaan Hirsi Ali Converts to Christianity


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I think she's probably the most high profile atheist after Richard Dawkins. Or was. And likely the most high profile ex-Muslim. She has now converted to Christianity, though I can't tell if that conversion is just cultural.

She makes the mistake of referring to Judeo-Christian values, which are a modern invention, but admits she has a lot of learning to do. I think she also has a lot of ZioCon surroundings.

But that someone from the hallowed high dias of atheism has converted is significant.

Interesting. It's funny how atheists (in this case former atheist) are seeing that their worldview cannot stop the tide of wokeism and trans rights nonsense. They stood as the arbiters of truth and led us into a world where basic truths such as the law of identity are supplanted by emotion. I think we will see more of this. Secularism is destroying society.
I read her books Infidel and the follow up Nomad back when they were fresh out in bookstores. This was around the same time the New Atheism stuff was it's peak and I remember her getting lots of praise of accolades from Christopher Hitchens who if I recall correctly was a personal friend of her's and Sam Harris. She differed a bit from some of the other atheists of this tripe in that she doesn't seem to have the animus towards Christianity they did. When she first came to Holland she was actually taken in and helped out by Christians in the Bible Belt region of Holland. She actually suggested that Christian organizations should do more outreach to the Muslim immigrant population in Europe to prevent the Islamist organizations from getting ahold of them which I'm sure wasn't taken kindly by her fellow atheist cohorts. She also didn't seem to have the hatred for the west that lots of other atheists do.

I saw Rod Dreher (probably the most well known American Orthodox convert) announce the conversion on his Twitter and someone mentioned in one of the replies that she had been attending an Anglican church for a while. Anglicanism tends to be theologically liberal which makes sense for Ali since she seems to be more into the faith more on the level that she think it benefits society and individuals - basically the same way Jordan Peterson approaches Christianity. Still, it's a first step.
Ayaan is attending an Episcopalian/Anglican church. Dawkins was bought up in that church and he always had some warm feelings about it despite his hostility towards Christianity so I think that's a bridge that could be built between two of them. Dawkins has referred to himself as a 'cultural Christian' in the past as well so at least he isn't some year zero revolutionary wants to completely sever the spiritual history of a nation in the same way the Bolsheviks or French Revolutionaries were.
Hirsi Ali is a fraud and a ziocon gatekeeper, her entire life story is fake, kind of like influencer who goes by the name of Brigitte Gabriel. Her husband Ferguson is a deep state propagandist.
Hirsi Ali is a fraud and a ziocon gatekeeper, her entire life story is fake, kind of like influencer who goes by the name of Brigitte Gabriel. Her husband Ferguson is a deep state propagandist.
That's a crap ton of claims in just a two sentence post. I'm open to anything, but not buying that quick and hot of a take. You just name dropped x 3 and accused, without any support. :unsure:
Hirsi Ali's previous brand, atheist liberal feminist anti-islamic conservatism, has become somewhat outdated today, especially among younger non-boomer conservatives. Based on her past behavior, allegiances and financial dependencies, I seriously doubt that her conversion is genuine.

Her background and life story of a war refugee from Somalia oppressed by her muslim family were completely fabricated, she pretended that she was a victim of a forced marriage and that her husband's clan was going to kill her (honor killing), when in fact she was the abuser, having used and dumped her husband after he sent her a travel stipend and plane ticket to Europe. Everything about her was fake, this is well documented in a Dutch TV program from 2006, back when quality European journalism was still a thing:

She used her fake persona to build a political career with Gert Wilders' VVD, then moved on to bigger things, and bigger salaries in the US with the AEI (the think tank of people like Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Pearle) and other neocon outfits. IIRC she was making $300k/yr at the AEI pushing their neocon agenda.

The contradictions in her path are well summarized in her Wiki page:

Atheism and Christianity​

After formally renouncing Islam, Ali identified as an atheist. One of her decisions to stop believing in God was after reading the Atheïstisch manifest by Dutch philosopher Herman Philipse a year after the 9/11 attacks and that she agreed with arguments put forward by Bertrand Russell, Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins on organized religion.

In November 2023, Hirsi Ali converted to Christianity stating that "atheism can't equip us for civilisational war."[156][157] Explaining her decision in an essay for UnHerd Ali argued that the West was under threat from "the resurgence of great-power authoritarianism and expansionism in the forms of the Chinese Communist Party and Vladimir Putin’s Russia; the rise of global Islamism, which threatens to mobilise a vast population against the West; and the viral spread of woke ideology, which is eating into the moral fibre of the next generation."[157] Against such threats secular approaches, whether they be arguments, technologies or military force are, in her view, plainly inadequate.[157] She concluded that upholding Judeo-Christian traditions was the most credible answer for the Western society to survive.[157] The essay generated criticism both from Christians, because it only argued that Christianity was culturally useful; and from atheists, "baffled" that she had not addressed what they considered materialist rebuttals of the Christian faith.[158]

Some commentators, such as Sarah Jones writing for New York magazine suggested that for Hirsi Ali, "atheism only ever propped up her career as a culture warrior". Abandoning a New Atheist movement "in terminal decline" for a new vehicle, "she remains on the same crusade, inveighing against Islam and having simply exchanged one banner for another".[9]

So she converted to Christianity in order to fight against the "authoritarianism and expansionism of Vladimir Putin"?? Sounds legit...

The other two clowns, Brigitte Gabriel and Niall Ferguson, you should be able to figure out by yourself.
^ Strong accusation but a plausible one. Converting merely for political and ideological reasons is not a sincere conversion. God doesn't care about our politics as much as he does for our souls. She's also buying the line for "Judeo-Christian" values, a major red flag, which would indicate such a conversion.
The other two clowns, Brigitte Gabriel and Niall Ferguson, you should be able to figure out by yourself.
I recall Gabriel just being an outspoken Lebanese woman against Islam, which had ruined a once cosmopolitan Lebanon. I don't see much of a problem with that. Ferguson is just a historian.
^ Strong accusation but a plausible one.
I'll have to look into it more, but I agree it's plausible. Anything that has that trajectory and reward, I agree, should be looked at skeptically.