America's Woke & Obese Military

I see joining the military as a good way for a young person to set themselves up financially, and learn some useful skills. A four year enlistment seems like a much better deal than four years in college. So basically join for personal reasons and not to fight pointless wars or any nonsense like that…
Joining the military if you’re not a box of rocks is basically the most sure fire way to jump a social class.
It's a supplement for many to live a upper middle class lifestyle in many cases, since normal job wages are mostly irrelevant to maintain a Middle Class lifestyle raising a family. Sorry I live relatively close to an Army base. Pretty much a Welfare State that defends Rothschild Jewish Interests around the world. Not too mention it has become so Multicultural Dystopian I could give 2 you know what's about it.

Whatever good it once was has been perverted by whats happened to our Nation in general.
White European Genocide and FIRE Economy emphasis. Plus it was the beneficiary of the Cartelization of the Economy many years ago. All the parasite businessmen and planners building homes now 25 or 30 miles away from it filling them pockets. DV plates on Muh Bimmer cos eyes now cultured and got some Benjamin's in my bank now.

I'll stick with a Mad Mike Hoare Military experience if I want to fantasize about soldier life. I mean I'm all for learning young MEN how to shoot and survive, and whatever else...but the whole institution has gone way past that narrative especially in a world of Hi Tech Gizmos where lots of old school armaments is rendered useless.

But if you want your own (kinda pad) yeah getting in the Military is an option, but like Music States you are a Lab Rat for the Elite.