American Police and Surveillance State

The Penitent Man

It’s already here, and has been for many many years. This thread is for discussion of and to post information and news about the burgeoning American police state, which is fed by our taxes and being mobilized against American dissidents.

The author of the below article has a delusional boomer conclusion (we must demand Congress stand up for us, lol) but outlines some more recent events of note relevant to the topic.

It will be there sooner than you think if Orange Golem returns.


They will come for this forum and everyone else who doesn't bow to the jews or their agenda. That's the entire purpose for a police and surveillance state. The only possible existence for a police state would be to force unnatural conditions on people. It is unnatural to be subservient to a jewish world order and an agenda that defies the laws of nature in every regard, therefore it must be implemented with aggressive force.

The police will be fully DIEversified, full of blacks and browns and yellows and arabs who do not give one care for how many White Americans they punish. This police state already exists in the prisons around Washington DC where all the January 6ers are being tortured by negro guards, most of them not even American.

I recommend again for you all read the Turner Diaries to see what has played out so far and what will continue to play out, specifically in America when it comes to the combination of racial realities and police state actions. Then look at everything that happens on a day-to-day basis in law enforcement in America and what crimes are being committed, what "laws" are being passed in congress, it is nearly identical to the Diaries except there has been no "Cohen Act" moment yet. The minute something like that happens, then the trajectory is the same, except when the book was written there was not tens of millions of non-White violent invaders living in America. So now the situation is even more volatile.

The only good news is that as our lives becomes more intolerable, so too does the power of the enemy strain from forcing this false reality upon the world. They can only escalate in the current trajectory by continuing to double-down on their methods. More spying, more surveillance, more laws protecting jews over nothing, more laws criminalizing all the things that flicker in the neurotic syphilitic minds of jews, more anti-White everything (immigration, enforcement, advertising, affirmative action, preferential treatement, etc).

The problem with this model is that the police state prides itself on being able to be a police state. The more it knows, the less privacy people have, the more power it has over them. The compounded effects of it knowing more and constantly trying to know everything about everyone plus the automatization of infrastructure makes them gloat in their power, revel in their control. Then the jewish DNA comes out. They do not need White men, Aryan blood, and men with DNA of the creator in them to manage their police departments, to run their servers, to upgrade the software, to keep orderly structure running smoothly. They replace these men, kick them to the curb, and now have their golems in these positions instead. The golem creatures, non-Whites, and the few deracinated whites who stay subservient to the regime, are mediocre. At best.

They cannot do the job of the men who built the technology in the first place. So the system's weakness overall will be exposed very shortly, and much more consistently the longer a system of this 'customization' stays in effect.

You see it everywhere you go in the west. Living in the EU is like living in California. It's all shite. One could get away with so much, as a White dissident, if one knew how the system operates and how response times work, and continue doing this cycling through some variations to counter the adaptation of the system to ones actions. This would not be possible for very long in a White system.

Therefore, the solution is a splitting fork. The police state and the surveillance will expand, it will become oppressive, far more than it is now. The White presence in this system will continue to diminish. The White persecution will continue to rise, be it Christian or not. The Whites will be pushed out of any material and physical comforts and many will be killed once the safety net of the boomers vanishes. The last little bit of financial cushion in the fiat patchwork quilt of the economy. The only way out is through immense pain and violence, but of the sound, strategic, and united kind, not the individual lone-wolf garbage.

The Constitutionalists and the half-ass conservatives will not be able to stop the trajectory of the current police state and its ongoing expansion. Only the covert revolutionaries can. I know which side God is on, even if they themselves do not know it.

The author of the below article has a delusional boomer conclusion (we must demand Congress stand up for us, lol) but outlines some more recent events of note relevant to the topic.

This article is interesting. There are very obvious things that people should not do now that they have 'a priori' knowledge of how the federal gangs behave. The first is to not be on social media (let alone be on there insulting people with your real name), the second is to not be a high-level public personality and be around a lot of gun sales, the third would be for all future enemies of the state to become prepared in living like a guerilla and learning hunger, hardship, pain, suffering, grueling training, in order to survive the federal escalation.

Having a house and booby-trapping it against the long arm of jewwy law is not going to change anything, although it would be a humorous way for a revolutionary to kamikaze themselves.

Every single one of us is an enemy of the state, they just have not come after us yet because they are still expanding and taking out the easy targets first. They are a predator and behave as such, and law-abiding citizens are the prey and behave as such. Everything is rooted in nature. Become unlike their prey and they will not take you.
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It will be there sooner than you think if Orange Golem returns.

View attachment 12639

They will come for this forum and everyone else who doesn't bow to the jews or their agenda. That's the entire purpose for a police and surveillance state. The only possible existence for a police state would be to force unnatural conditions on people. It is unnatural to be subservient to a jewish world order and an agenda that defies the laws of nature in every regard, therefore it must be implemented with aggressive force.

The police will be fully DIEversified, full of blacks and browns and yellows and arabs who do not give one care for how many White Americans they punish. This police state already exists in the prisons around Washington DC where all the January 6ers are being tortured by negro guards, most of them not even American.

I recommend again for you all read the Turner Diaries to see what has played out so far and what will continue to play out, specifically in America when it comes to the combination of racial realities and police state actions. Then look at everything that happens on a day-to-day basis in law enforcement in America and what crimes are being committed, what "laws" are being passed in congress, it is nearly identical to the Diaries except there has been no "Cohen Act" moment yet. The minute something like that happens, then the trajectory is the same, except when the book was written there was not tens of millions of non-White violent invaders living in America. So now the situation is even more volatile.

The only good news is that as our lives becomes more intolerable, so too does the power of the enemy strain from forcing this false reality upon the world. They can only escalate in the current trajectory by continuing to double-down on their methods. More spying, more surveillance, more laws protecting jews over nothing, more laws criminalizing all the things that flicker in the neurotic syphilitic minds of jews, more anti-White everything (immigration, enforcement, advertising, affirmative action, preferential treatement, etc).

The problem with this model is that the police state prides itself on being able to be a police state. The more it knows, the less privacy people have, the more power it has over them. The compounded effects of it knowing more and constantly trying to know everything about everyone plus the automatization of infrastructure makes them gloat in their power, revel in their control. Then the jewish DNA comes out. They do not need White men, Aryan blood, and men with DNA of the creator in them to manage their police departments, to run their servers, to upgrade the software, to keep orderly structure running smoothly. They replace these men, kick them to the curb, and now have their golems in these positions instead. The golem creatures, non-Whites, and the few deracinated whites who stay subservient to the regime, are mediocre. At best.

They cannot do the job of the men who built the technology in the first place. So the system's weakness overall will be exposed very shortly, and much more consistently the longer a system of this 'customization' stays in effect.

You see it everywhere you go in the west. Living in the EU is like living in California. It's all shite. One could get away with so much, as a White dissident, if one knew how the system operates and how response times work, and continue doing this cycling through some variations to counter the adaptation of the system to ones actions. This would not be possible for very long in a White system.

Therefore, the solution is a splitting fork. The police state and the surveillance will expand, it will become oppressive, far more than it is now. The White presence in this system will continue to diminish. The White persecution will continue to rise, be it Christian or not. The Whites will be pushed out of any material and physical comforts and many will be killed once the safety net of the boomers vanishes. The last little bit of financial cushion in the fiat patchwork quilt of the economy. The only way out is through immense pain and violence, but of the sound, strategic, and united kind, not the individual lone-wolf garbage.

The Constitutionalists and the half-ass conservatives will not be able to stop the trajectory of the current police state and its ongoing expansion. Only the covert revolutionaries can. I know which side God is on, even if they themselves do not know it.

This article is interesting. There are very obvious things that people should not do now that they have 'a priori' knowledge of how the federal gangs behave. The first is to not be on social media (let alone be on there insulting people with your real name), the second is to not be a high-level public personality and be around a lot of gun sales, the third would be for all future enemies of the state to become prepared in living like a guerilla and learning hunger, hardship, pain, suffering, grueling training, in order to survive the federal escalation.

Having a house and booby-trapping it against the long arm of jewwy law is not going to change anything, although it would be a humorous way for a revolutionary to kamikaze themselves.

Every single one of us is an enemy of the state, they just have not come after us yet because they are still expanding and taking out the easy targets first. They are a predator and behave as such, and law-abiding citizens are the prey and behave as such. Everything is rooted in nature. Become unlike their prey and they will not take you.
Is the first amendment useless? Someone fill me in. Matt Gaetz himself pushed back on it.
They will come for this forum and everyone else who doesn't bow to the jews or their agenda.
Not in this lifetime. There is just no precedent for this. That is, as long as one doesn't "get involved" in such a way as to make oneself known to the authorities.

In The Decline Of Functioning Society thread we constantly speak of the ineffectiveness of Gen Z "workers." If it is this generation of the lazy, ineffective, and Christ-denying woke that will be the FBI, CIA, and IRS agents of the future "surveilling" us then we should all sleep easy tonight.

One day we will get to the root cause of all of this... the jews. Until that day, and the neccesarry war it will take to uproot them, we are all just dealing with smoke and mirrors. The war in Ukraine is jew against jew, the Israel vs Palestine/Lebanon war is jew against jew, and the US 2024 presidential race is jew against jew. Since the jews denied Christ and became Satan's henchmen they have been the root of all evil. This evil must be uprooted at The Source if we are to solve our current problems of unfettered immigration (i.e. white replacement), pedophelia, pornography, atheism, uneccessary-for-profit-endless-war, and the surveillance state that is currently only mildly impinging on our constitutional rights.
In The Decline Of Functioning Society thread we constantly speak of the ineffectiveness of Gen Z "workers." If it is this generation of the lazy, ineffective, and Christ-denying woke that will be the FBI, CIA, and IRS agents of the future "surveilling" us then we should all sleep easy tonight.

One day we will get to the root cause of all of this... the jews. Until that day, and the neccesarry war it will take to uproot them, we are all just dealing with smoke and mirrors. The war in Ukraine is jew against jew, the Israel vs Palestine/Lebanon war is jew against jew, and the US 2024 presidential race is jew against jew. Since the jews denied Christ and became Satan's henchmen they have been the root of all evil. This evil must be uprooted at The Source if we are to solve our current problems of unfettered immigration (i.e. white replacement), pedophelia, pornography, atheism, uneccessary-for-profit-endless-war, and the surveillance state that is currently only mildly impinging on our constitutional rights.
Yes this is what I'm saying though, the system will be so "dieversified" that it becomes incompetent to carry out its draconian enforcements effectively. The continual automation is another aspect of why it will fail. Liberals, marxists, non-Whites, people laden with toxins in their bodies from drugs and goyslop and tattoos and too much 5G and Wifi will be utterly useless as shock troops in a new world order police state.

Dealing with the source is basically outlawing judaism, whether it be of the torah or the talmud. It all needs to be banned, proscribed, forbidden, and ultimately destroyed. Forced conversions won't help them at that point. The world has had enough and if even the darker races, the mongoloids and such are tired of the jews then the writing is on the wall. However, the darkies will never turn on their talmudic masters with a considerable or organized force to accomplish this, but they could be rallied under White Christian leadership to do so, or just an effective White propagandist who is better at the jews game than they are.
Seeing more thuggery in suburban areas. People vandalizing houses with bats and such. As usual, the police are doing nothing. The police do nothing because they do what they're told from their political bosses. The political bosses are the ones who enable the riff raff to attack the suburbanites. If you were to take your gun and defend your home against the thugs, the cops would come after you, not the thugs who attacked your home.
Why do the Boomers offer a safety net?
I'm talking in simple economics. The younger generations are not building anything and not generating enough money for the system itself to tax. The system is also raising taxes to accommodate for this loss to perpetuate itself. The financial death throes of the last boomer money will have a significant effect as the same time most of America is carved up by foreign money. The Chinese basically own most of Southern California. Arabs are buying up a lot of land in the interior. The jews have sold it off piecemeal to the turd world.

The boomer money is the last remaining bit of "normality" before everything becomes a 100% rent culture, where no one really owns anything. The hereditary properties that some boomers leave to their families will eventually be confiscated or the descendants will sell them in desperate times for pennies on the fiat-dollar (when they're not sucking up their kids and grandkids inheritances through oxygen tubes at expensive retirement resorts). The people that still own properties will likely have a geo-engineered weather storm destroy them, or some kind of fire-starter laser burn it all down, and then also be forced out of necessity to sell them to jewrock or other home grabbers.

We already see it crashing down around us. It wasn't as big in Europe as it was in America, but the EU is much closer to the 2030 WEF "own nothing" vision than America. In America if the trajectory continues, with the expansion of a police state, it may take an additional decade or two before they achieve it all. That means no one resisted and fought back.
The boomer money is the last remaining bit of "normality" before everything becomes a 100% rent culture, where no one really owns anything. The hereditary properties that some boomers leave to their families will eventually be confiscated or the descendants will sell them in desperate times for pennies on the fiat-dollar (when they're not sucking up their kids and grandkids inheritances through oxygen tubes at expensive retirement resorts). The people that still own properties will likely have a geo-engineered weather storm destroy them, or some kind of fire-starter laser burn it all down, and then also be forced out of necessity to sell them to jewrock or other home grabbers.
Regarding the properties that Boomers and Gen X own, can't the Globofags just raise property taxes or enact some new law that says your house has to be green-certified, which will cost a metric ton to convert? And if you don't comply, then they will tax you because you did not meet certifications.

It seems so easy to do, I wonder why they haven't done it already.
I'm talking in simple economics. The younger generations are not building anything and not generating enough money for the system itself to tax. The system is also raising taxes to accommodate for this loss to perpetuate itself. The financial death throes of the last boomer money will have a significant effect as the same time most of America is carved up by foreign money. The Chinese basically own most of Southern California. Arabs are buying up a lot of land in the interior. The jews have sold it off piecemeal to the turd world.

The boomer money is the last remaining bit of "normality" before everything becomes a 100% rent culture, where no one really owns anything. The hereditary properties that some boomers leave to their families will eventually be confiscated or the descendants will sell them in desperate times for pennies on the fiat-dollar (when they're not sucking up their kids and grandkids inheritances through oxygen tubes at expensive retirement resorts). The people that still own properties will likely have a geo-engineered weather storm destroy them, or some kind of fire-starter laser burn it all down, and then also be forced out of necessity to sell them to jewrock or other home grabbers.

We already see it crashing down around us. It wasn't as big in Europe as it was in America, but the EU is much closer to the 2030 WEF "own nothing" vision than America. In America if the trajectory continues, with the expansion of a police state, it may take an additional decade or two before they achieve it all. That means no one resisted and fought back.
And what little the boomers own will be gambled away in some creepy lounge or dark corner of a bar.

Every single bar/restaurant has slot machines and they are constantly filled with boomers who insist on gambling away their unprecedented prosperity to ensure that their descendents will indeed own nothing.
Can't the Globofags just raise property taxes or enact some new law that says your house has to be green-certified, which will cost a metric ton to convert? And if you don't comply, then they will tax you because you did not meet certifications.

It seems so easy to do, I wonder why they haven't done it already.
No. Because in America They (jews) are making too much money off of society functioning as is. The elite JQ also enjoy the luxuries of modern US society as much as us worker-bees do and they don't want to see a massive disruption in these services as it will effect them as much as it would us. Therefore, it is paramount to their survival that the electricity always flows, the gas pumps always pump gas, etc. I don't see any signs of this changing in my lifetime as you would expect a slow decline (which is not happening, there are more Starbucks being built, not less), rather than an abrupt shut off of the pumps and electricity. The JQ have achieved (and can continue to achieve) their objective(s) without rocking the boat too much and over-playing their hand.

In addition, can you imagine surveilling and/or confiscating the property of 300 million people? They are content on just harassing the vocal and most outspoken critics of their globohomo agenda (think Alex Jones and the like)... They don't have the time, energy, or resources to f*ck with little guy blabber-mouths like us as we don't have any actionable plans to violently overthrow the JQ status-quo.
Source? I was looking for one and I could not find it.
There's a poll on it here, with much more incriminating photos than a mere comment:

The writing is on the wall with Trump, he made a law in 2019 in the USA to combat anti-satanism:

It won't take much more to get something like this passed in their congress. The jews completely own American government from top to bottom. Don't put your faith in the orange race.

This is Betrayal. Anyone remember the ‘04 election cycle? Congratulations Kerry. You became the very guy you ran against back then. We voted DEM because the RNC wanted to crack down on criticisms of the war.

Turns out the long march through the institutions is a thing. Now that 20 years have passed, you want to behave exactly like Dubya. But trannies and women are everywhere this time so it’s ok. Got it. You were just angry the military industrial complex was in charge but now that the college industrial complex is you behave the same as them.
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