American Patriotism

Thomas More

I bought a house recently, and I just realized I have a good sized flag pole, 15-20 high, running up from the corner of the porch. I'm surprised it took this long to notice, but it is slightly unobtrusive at ground level.

My first instinct was that I would get a US flag for it. However, I'm not very pleased with the current US government, to say the least. Likewise the current corporate, media, financial, and educational elites. Likewise what seems to have become the majority culture of the US. I loved the old US that I grew up with, and was very patriotic, but I feel like that country is gone now. I'm not sure that I want to fly the US flag in front of my house now.

What do you guys think about patriotism for the US? Do you still feel patriotic towards the country that once was? Do you still consider that the US is the same as it always was, and the current government and societal elite are a passing thing?
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You could fly the US flag upside-down, to indicate a state of distress, or you could fly a Gadsden flag.

This is what my neighbor does. He's a great guy. I've seen this done at other houses too.

I too am torn about acknowledging legitimacy to what our nation has become, but I will still fly the flag, put my hand on my heart, and be patriotic (root word here is patriarchy- I'm surprised the liberals haven't figured that one out yet.) But I think giving credence to the national level still manages to undermine the sick corpo-globohomo endeavors enough that I'll get on board. I have begun to rethink importance of things in my head though: the family, local community, state, nation list is now ordered in importance in that order in my head. Before I didn't think about that much.
When I see the American flag flying I don't assume that that person supports the corrupted government. In fact if I saw that I would be more likely to think the opposite, that they are conservatively/traditionally minded.

Fact is, the government is not synonymous with the nation. And unless we are preparing to renounce our citizenship and claim to being a part of the nation, that flag represents us, moreso than it represents our corrupt leadership.

If anything, if we refuse to use the symbol for what it originally meant, then it will truly begin only to represent the worst elements of America.

It's like if Christians saw Masons using the cross in their imagery and decided to drop the cross because they didn't like what Masonry represents. It's backwards!

That said I'm not trying to convince you to fly the US flag or not, the state of the nation is sad indeed, but I don't think we should cede our symbols to our enemies either.
Oh say can you see...

...for the land of the free and the home of the brave

I know that and I'm not even American

My first instinct was that I would get a US flag for it. However, I'm not very pleased with the current US government, to say the least. Likewise the current corporate, media, financial, and educational elites. Likewise what seems to have become the majority culture of the US. I loved the old US that I grew up with, and was very patriotic, but I feel like that country is gone now. I'm not sure that I want to fly the US flag in front of my house now.

What do you guys think about patriotism for the US. Do you still feel patriotic towards the country that once was? Do you still consider that the US is the same as it always was, and the current government and societal elite are a passing thing?
I just read Biden might be pardoning Julian Assange, if that happens it will be huge.

This Zog is a temporary situation. O for 'occupied'

I suspect a similar thing in Europe, just because the top level of government is compromised, does not mean that every level of government and the courts system is rotten to the core. Some of it remains healthy.