Alternatives to Retirement Accounts


I’m looking for good resources that offer alternative investment strategies to retirement accounts (401k, Roth, IRA, etc.). I can understand the math behind the investment strategy. However, they feel like a scheme to me to keep our fiat system afloat. I’m feeling less confident that the powers that be won’t see these accounts as a means to fund their next scheme by the time I retire. I’m hoping someone has come up with a good strategy that allows you take ownership of your money immediately without being locked into a date in the future.

For my personal situation, my company offers no retirement matching. I currently contribute to a 401k to allow me to save more money pretax. Thanks
You can always open up a regular investment account, and treat it like a 401k. You'll have to pay pretax but I think you don't have to pay long-term capital gains if your income is under a certain amount when you take the funds out. There are also ways to get your funds from a 401k or IRA before age 59.5 and without penalty. Unfortunately taxes are a part of life, so we just have to accept it sometimes.

Index funds are very easy and can provide great and pretty steady long-term gains. Finding a house in a cheaper area and selling it when you're ready to retire is another option. I've met several people that bought houses years ago for cheap and now they're worth a fortune.
The plan is to make enough money that you don’t need to rely on such a plan when you turn 65 you are like “I have a Roth IRA and been putting $6k in every year but don’t need it