Alternate History Debate Thread


Anyone remember the “hanging chads” votes in Florida from 2000? Most like was a GOP fix not much different from the 2020 election by the Dems by different measures. Gore should have been our President. Instead we got the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld fake WMD sales pitch to keep the military industrial complex happy. It’s one big corrupt Uniparty for sure.
Anyone remember the “hanging chads” votes in Florida from 2000? Most like was a GOP fix not much different from the 2020 election by the Dems by different measures. Gore should have been our President. Instead we got the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld fake WMD sales pitch to keep the military industrial complex happy. It’s one big corrupt Uniparty for sure.
I don't know. Gore and Bush were both cut from the same cloth.

I doubt Gore would have been any better
Climate nutjob, would have been worse.

I don't know, I think back then the climate craziness wouldn't have been tolerated like it is now but that war drum sure as heck was.....destroyed the only stable non crazy Islam country in the Middle East for nothing. Oh and then handed it over to our adversaries for good measure. Not to mention wiping away our freedoms in the process, for "security" of course.

Who knows though, Clinton bombed the crap out of Iraq for the Jews and their oil money so yea like @Get2choppaaa said Gore may have just done the same thing.
Anyone remember the “hanging chads” votes in Florida from 2000? Most like was a GOP fix not much different from the 2020 election by the Dems by different measures. Gore should have been our President. Instead we got the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld fake WMD sales pitch to keep the military industrial complex happy. It’s one big corrupt Uniparty for sure.
The New York Times and other big media outlets paid millions for a full recount after that election, hoping to prove that a wrong process had resulted in the wrong person winning.

You can guess why few people have hear of it. The full recount confirmed that Bush won.

Also, you know lots of dead people voted Dem that year. If not for dead people voting Dem, Bush's margin would have been even higher.

It's not surprising. There was a lot of Clinton fatigue, and Al Gore was not a very inspiring candidate.
The New York Times and other big media outlets paid millions for a full recount after that election hoping to prove that a wrong process had resulted in the wrong person winning.

You can guess why few people have hear of it. The full recount confirmed that Bush won.

Also, you know lots of dead people vote Dem that year. If not for dead people voting Dem, Bush's margin would have been even higher.

It's not surprising. There was a lot of Clinton fatigue, and Al Gore was not a very inspiring candidate.

There was a whole HBO movie made about it with Kevin Spacey

The real big unanswered question is - Would the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001 have happened under a Al Gore presidency ?
Considering the first attempted 911 attacks happened under Clinton.....I don't see why not.

1993 WTC bombing

Eta...not sure why the above link says "technical difficulties. It definitely takes you to the WTC bombing link.
Maybe on a different timeline this forum already has an alternate history thread. :unsure:

I don't know, I think back then the climate craziness wouldn't have been tolerated like it is now
Oh, Gore was pretty crazy even back then pushing for reduction of "greenhouse gas" emissions.

but that war drum sure as heck was.....destroyed the only stable non crazy Islam country in the Middle East for nothing. Oh and then handed it over to our adversaries for good measure. Not to mention wiping away our freedoms in the process, for "security" of course.

Who knows though, Clinton bombed the crap out of Iraq for the Jews and their oil money so yea like @Get2choppaaa said Gore may have just done the same thing.
I don't think we would have had a different foreign plicy under Gore. Under Clinton we had continuation of Bush Sr policies in Somalia and Iraq, and new interventions in Haiti and Yugoslavia. And Obama after GW was even more noecon than both Bushes combined. New boss is the same as the old boss. It's as if ((someone else)) was in charge of our foreign policy, not our elected officials. So I don't see any reason to believe that Gore would have acted any different when served with 9/11.
The real big unanswered question is - Would the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001 have happened under an Al Gore presidency ?
Great question.
Al Gore would have been the first Talmudic president, so you may want to recheck your premises.
Al Gore is a weak, effeminate "man" who doesn't have the balls for war. I'm pretty sure his responses to 911 would have been vastly different to that of Dumbya's. Rumsfeld's and Wolfowitz's Jewish Project For A New American Century would have been dead on arrival under a Gore Presidency which is why the "911 happened because Bush was president" hypothesis is at least plausible.
Speculations about things that we'll never know to be discussed here.
I've seen recent posts on Twitter saying that Watergate was basically a CIA and FBI coup against Nixon in cahoots with the Democratic party and the CIA controlled media of that time. I think this seems likely looking at the situation in hindsight.

What if he had crossed the Rubicon back then, and had guys like G. Gordon Liddy quietly whack the people on Nixon's enemies list, and held onto power with an iron fist? He had an overwhelming electoral college victory in the 1972 election, and the congress was 243-192 Republican in the House and 56-42 in the Senate. Not an overwhelming filibuster proof majority, but it should have been enough to let him wield full power if he had chosen to do so. He had the mandate of the Silent Majority, which was an idea he invented and pushed during his 1972 campaign.

Nixon understood the JQ, and a lot of other things we talk about. He could see what they were doing to him, but somehow he just couldn't see how to beat them.
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