1995 Oklahoma City Bombing

More than a few OG conspiracy guys have cited the Oklahoma City Bombing as the event they witnessed that caused them to go hurtling down the rabbit hole. Will definitely look up that documentary later, but interested if any other posters have more insight.

RIP to all those who lost their lives that day
It was a deep state false flag event, McVeigh was a patsy. The event was covered up by Merrick Garland, who is the current Attorney General. It was the first major attempt of the deep state to propagandize the normies against heartland conservatives.

James Corbett has the best analysis on this event.
Can you give a short summery of what the alternative view of what happened that day was ?
Sure. Here are just some of facts that the MSM doesn't like to discuss.
Numerous ATF employees were very close to the building and appeared on scene mere minutes after the explosion looking for bomb fragments. This contradicts the claims of ATF Agent Luke Franey that the agents were not in the office that morning because they had been working late on an unspecified criminal case the night before (another agent claimed they were all playing in a golf tournament in Shawnee).
The ATF claimed in a news release that Alex McCauley, Resident Agent in Charge, was in an elevator during the bombing and survived a five-story plunge. However, when Eugene Duane James searched for survivors in the elevators, he found the elevators frozen between floors, but empty, after blasting through them with a blowtorch. The safety cables were intact and there had been no free fall—which modern elevators do not do.

Timothy McVeigh and his collaborator, Terry Nichols, an old army buddy from Lapeer, Michigan, supposedly used nothing more than a crudely constructed ANFO bomb (ammonium nitrate and fuel oil), which was detonated from the Ryder Truck they had rented parked across the street. However, Brigadier General Benton K. Partin (USAF, Retired), after carrying out a detailed study, told members of Congress that “the damage pattern on the reinforced concrete superstructure could not possibly have been attained from the single truck bomb without supplementing demolition charges.” At most, the truck bomb would have taken out the flooring on the first and third floors. Partin believed that bombs were placed inside the building at key points to destroy its supports.

A subsequent series of Air Force test blasts on concrete structures corroborated General Partin’s main contention that air blast from a truck bomb outside of the building could not possibly account for the pattern and magnitude of the damage to the Murrah Building’s superstructure.
This assessment was further corroborated by a) a study carried out in collaboration with one of the most respected bomb experts in the world, John A. Kennedy of Hoffman Estates, Illinois, who also investigated the 1993 World Trade Center bombing; b) a seismic study carried out by Dr. Charles Mankin of the Oklahoma Geological Survey in Norman; c) the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which determined that a truck bomb of 4,800 pounds of ANFO would have been insufficient to cause the destruction experienced at the Murrah Building; and d) Army demolition manuals, which clearly state that ANFO is not good for destroying concrete or steel.

Craig Roberts, a Tulsa police officer who investigated the bombing at the request of the FBI, found that much of the Murrah building was blown outward, not inward, and that the building had been built to be bomb proof from outside explosives.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. There are many problems with the official narrative.
@JoeChill is clearly knowledgable on this topic. While I second both "A Noble Lie" and Craig Roberts work, there have been some new discoveries in recent years that is not covered in their research.

Donald Jeffries (great on so many "conspiracies", and learned how to do investigative journalism by volunteering with Mark Lane in the wake of the JFK assassination) has a book that touches on OK City. I know I've heard him go into it on some podcasts but cannot find one specifically on OKC. Maybe this one?

Jeffries book on conspiracies:
Amazon product ASIN 1629144843It seems Amazon links don't work but this one is "Hidden History"

Craig Roberts book on OKC:
Amazon product ASIN 1547027843This one is "The Medusa File II" (apparently he has updated the book since I bought the original).

But yeah, the bomb couldn't have caused the damage, people had prior knowledge of the attack, there was a right wing patsy, there were suspicious government ties to many of the characters--basic textbook false flag stuff.

Also, much like 9/11 where there were recorded calls about "explosives in the building" and "get back we are going to pull it", there were sightings of a "John Doe #2" accomplice with Tim McVeigh (or maybe he wasn't there at all) and this was quickly forgotten despite many news outlets covering it live.

This was also a very good podcast I heard recently on OKC:

I haven't read this one, but Michael Collins points the finger at the Mossad, which I basically automatically agree with, when something evil is being done.

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Thanks to @Shaquilleoatmeal for the OP and @Cooper, @Rax Moscow and @JoeChill for sharing resources on this topic.

Digging deeper into this matter for the first time was a massive eye opener to me, and many others. Below are some brief reflections on the resources shared so far. I'm no expert on the matter though, so I welcome others' insights and further resources.

As suggested by JoeChill, The Noble Lie (on Bitchute) is a groundbreaking 2 hour documentary from 2011. The main points of The Noble Lie were condensed into an hour by James Corbett in the above video released in 2015, posted by Cooper. It has a couple of additional details, while some compelling parts of the Noble Lie are omitted such as detail on the murder, framed as a suicide, of a local police officer.

The links that follow from Rax Moscow , including the podcast of The Pete Quiñones Show and the UNZ article series go further into understanding the hidden actors and groups behind the scenes. This offers additional evidence and speculation about the deeper "why" underlying the involvement of many parties.

In contrast to theories based on weak evidence (e.g., photos of hand signals) and unreliable methodology (e.g., numerology), the evidence that counters the official FBI story is overwhelming, both at a quantitative and qualitative level.

[Note the "fact check" link embedded in the YouTube video, that redirects readers the wiki page on the topic. Unsurprisingly this page has no mention of alternative explanations for the attack.]

Given the blatant fingerprints of the government on the buttons that caused this absolutely horrific tragedy, sharing this story can be a powerful way to demonstrate the existence of false flag events. This may be of particular use for people who have a some level of critical thinking, but have so far gone along with naive assumptions about the falsehood of benevolent government actors.

For this purpose I would suggest the following: start with sending the short 5 minute video summary of the Corbett report. Then, if they're interested, they could watch the full 1 hour Corbett video, as this condenses the main points of the Noble Lie. From there, a curious person will may have a lot of questions about the deeper "why". This is when the podcasts and articles will likely be of further interest.

I hope this post was useful.