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  1. Get2choppaaa

    Jewish Tunnels Under New York

    Anyone know whats going on here?
  2. Cynllo

    The Douglas Murray Thread

    Douglas Murray recently partook in an interview with Triggernometry that has been widely circulated. Douglas is well known for his books that have managed to dance the line of acceptability on the topic of replacement immigration. He has gone to lengths to posit that he's not racist. And the...
  3. ginsu

    Javier Milei Elected President of Argentina

    Sadly argentinian elections are looking to go the way of recent elections like trump and bolsonaro. https://apnews.com/article/argentina-election-milei-massa-vote-bullrich-cead0d423f2e51444b48770af618940b Economy minister surprises by beating populist in first round of Argentina’s...
  4. Cynllo

    Child Broadcaster and Gatekeeper Ben Shapiro

    Benjamin has dropped the mask a bit. I can't see why he chose to reply like this. There seems to be no indication Owens was referencing his gate keeping operation. Maybe he's frustrated that people are talking about God when Israel needs more money.
  5. Teedub

    Tommy Robinson / ZioCon Thread

    This is a continuation of the Tommy Robinson Thread from RVF. Over the course of seven years the conversation slowly shifted from lauding him as a brave hero and truth teller to exposing him as a ZioCon. While some like the poster '911' were wise from the beginning, others, like me, took a lot...
  6. TruckDriver9

    Volodymyr Zelensky Thread

  7. Caduceus

    Donald Trump: Criticism & Debate Thread

    I think there is a majority consensus here that to keep the overall peace and sanity, avoid endless circular arguments, and reduce the workload for the moderators, a second thread is needed just for this topic.
  8. JCSteel

    Jordan Peterson Thread

    Whether you distain him, admire him, pity him, or pray for him, Jordan Peterson is always a good subject for a thread.
  9. Get2choppaaa

    Donald Trump

    Going to get this started now... https://apnews.com/article/trump-election-interference-case-gag-order-chutkan-02d078e492a828ed030e583775462dba I for one, am just happy to see all my hard earned tax payer dollars go to good use as Jamaican Communists Judges oversee my candidate of choice's...