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  1. S

    Immigrants Storm French Party Shouting "Kill white people", Killing One

    A few days ago a migrant mob went into a village party in Crépol, not far from Grenoble and attacked people with knives. One died. https://nypost.com/2023/11/19/news/teen-killed-17-wounded-in-mass-stabbing-attack-at-french-party/ Commentary in French from Marion Maréchal, niece of Marine Le...
  2. N°6

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    This thread is a continuation of the thread on the legacy RVF, that was started in 2016 when the childless Chancellor Angela Merkel invited hundreds of thousands of single, excess men of fighting age into Europe. The sheer size of the invasion, the role of the EU and the NGOs probably provided...
  3. Christos_NIKA

    US Border Crisis

    Couldn't find another thread about this topic, so please merge, if I am mistaken. If I were a betting man, I'd say the EU and the US are pre-staging these millions of migrants for an assault on the native populations, when the SHTF, like when the currencies collapse and the stores run out of food.