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cultural marxism

  1. S

    LGBT Agenda

    Here we can discuss one of the most evil agendas out there, the LGBT agenda. It’s been getting worse and worse for the past half century, and the media is now making a documentary about the cesspool of their filth where it all began; gay bars...
  2. Christos_NIKA


    Here is a good exposing the Marxist/Communist origins of the American feminist movement: https://www.henrymakow.com/000180.html
  3. Ember

    The Woke Capitalism Thread (Get Woke, Go Broke)

    Victoria's Secret ditches the diversity, land whales, dykes and transgenders to reverse plummeting sales.
  4. Christos_NIKA

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    The more I see of such debauched behavior, the more I want to join a monastery. Quo vadis, western woman? Men, stop simping! https://nypost.com/2023/10/17/i-slept-with-300-people-in-a-year-haters-say-im-disgusting-but-i-feel-empowered/
  5. Christos_NIKA

    Clown World Thread

    Let's test a YT video post: