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  1. Teedub

    Keith Woods Thread

    To kick this off, here's an interview from yesterday that's part of Millennial Woes' annual 'Millenniyule' series. Very good, broad discussion.
  2. BitterEnd

    Kanye West & His Troubles With The Tribe

    I hope he is doing well. He wrote a new song but it is not especially wholesome. I think he should come back to doing interviews, he has plenty of stories left to tell, I am sure...
  3. Raskolnikov

    Daily Stormer & Andrew Anglin Thread

    Thread from RVF renewed Coming in strong
  4. Johnnyvee

    The Dr. E. Michael Jones (EMJ) Thread

    New interview with Dr. Jones. (23/10/2023) He touches on the holocaust and his new book, the Israel-Palestine conflict, the JQ in general etc...
  5. M

    Nick Fuentes Thread

    For updates about the controversial streamer Nick Fuentes: Here he is talking about the recent mess in the Middle East: "Nick Fuentes discusses the hypocrisy of jews when it comes to Israel's immigration policy"
  6. P

    Stew Peters Thread

    I don't know much about this guy. But yesterday on Infowars he was succinctly going off on the JQ. I was literally flabbergasted on the amount of ground he was covering in such a short amount of time (I wish I knew how to cut and paste clips of the hard ZOG truths he was spitting). Alex even...
  7. Christos_NIKA

    Brother Nathanael Thread
