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Search results

  1. scorpion

    Finding a traditional wife abroad

    Pornography is substantially more destructive than prostitution on both the individual and societal level, simply due to having a much lower barrier of entry. For example, nine year-old boys obviously don't have the means or opportunity to hire prostitutes, but all they need is a...
  2. scorpion

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Well, the fact that you don't understand the difference between an investment bank/primary dealer like Cantor Fitzgerald, and an audit firm (i.e. preferably one of the Big 4 - PWC, Deloitte, E&Y, KPMG) tells me that unfortunately, you do not know the topic nearly as well as you think you do...
  3. scorpion

    Wife Hunting Abroad - Data Sheets Thread

    What is going on in this ridiculous thread? Australia_Sucks, you cannot preemptively ban members from posting in your threads. Further, this thread topic itself strikes me highly disingenuous and worthy of the scorn and mockery you've received here. You're clearly traveling (quite...
  4. scorpion

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    https://bitcoinmagazine.com/technical/bitcoin-hodlers-need-to-pull-their-weight-too Looks like some people are beginning to realize the problems inherent in a network based on Bitcoin miners when nearly 20 million of the 21 million total Bitcoin have already been mined and mining rewards will...
  5. scorpion

    2024 Election Lounge

    The Dems have no good options at this point. Biden was rendered unelectable immediately after the debate, but Kamala has always been unelectable (remember that her Presidential campaign flamed out before Iowa). It doesn't matter how much they try to rehab her image or protect her in the media...
  6. scorpion

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Tether is something that you'll never hear guys like chance vought and Blade Runner talk about, because when you look into it you can't help but think there's something very shady afoot. I'll just drop a few links you can peruse, but the gist of it is that Tether claims to back the USDT...
  7. scorpion

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    I actually agree with this. I think Bitcoin does have a use case, it just isn't nearly as all-encompassing as the one you predict. I think having some form of borderless "internet money token" is an interesting and somewhat useful idea. I just don't think it should ever play more than an...
  8. scorpion

    2024 Election Lounge

    Even after witnessing the despicable authoritarian behavior displayed by leftists during COVID, it's still shocking to see them blithely and openly calling for Biden to kill his political rival and declare a de facto military dictatorship in the process. I honestly wonder sometimes if these...
  9. scorpion

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Given that the S&P 500 index is up 46% since 2021, this is not remotely impressive. You doubled the return of the boring old stock index by owning one of the most volatile assets in the world. Not a great trade off, in my opinion, but maybe it will continue working out for you. Exploding...
  10. scorpion

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    This has historically been the case with a broad-based/indexed equity portfolio, and in most markets with real estate. It has also been the case in Bitcoin thus far, especially for those who bought and HODLed pre-2017 runup. But most of the buyers since 2021 haven't made exceptionally great...
  11. scorpion

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    I disagree that the only way for the poor to move up is via some sort of longshot/lottery. I also disagree with the idea that Bitcoin is a "golden ticket" to wealth. In fact, I don't believe that there is such a thing as a golden ticket at all. Pointing at people who took extreme risks and/or...
  12. scorpion

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    I don't want to derail by belaboring this argument much further, but again, I think this mostly comes down to psychological and behavioral patterns. I mean, the poor are using the same dollars that the wealthy are, and these days you can open a brokerage account with less than $100. There's no...
  13. scorpion

    2024 Election Lounge

    Something to keep in mind is that inserting a candidate at the 11th hour is obviously risky, but at the same time it spares that candidate the rigors of an extended Presidential campaign and all the attendant public scrutiny that goes along with it. This is highly beneficial for someone like...
  14. scorpion

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    The comparison to the sub-prime mortgage shenanigans is partly apt, but actually makes shitcoins look even worse in comparison, since with sub-prime at least there was the pretense that the assets being sold had cash flows attached. With shitcoins there isn't even that. It's purely, "Buy low...
  15. scorpion

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Has it never occurred to you that literally everyone else buying these worthless shitcoins is thinking the exact same thing? "This coin will inevitably go up! Then I'll sell toward the top and unload my bag on some greedy sucker!" Nobody thinks they're going to be the greedy sucker left...
  16. scorpion

    2024 Election Lounge

    I have long been skeptical of the notion that Dems were plotting to replace Biden (it seemed too risky the longer they waited, plus they still have a very effective voter fraud operation at their disposal), but there's no way they can continue with him after tonight. Not only on account of his...
  17. scorpion

    2024 Election Lounge

    I would not underestimate Gavin. If they're able to successfully slot him in at the 11th hour, that alone will generate an unprecedented groundswell of enthusiasm and excitement for the Dems. It will also spare Newsom much of the scrutiny and damage he would normally receive over the course of a...
  18. scorpion

    2024 Election Lounge

    Dems shocked - absolutely shocked, I tell you! - that Joe Biden is a shambling, incoherent corpse of a man. Where the hell have these people been for the past several years? It's honestly impossible to tell sometimes if they are pathologically dishonest or simply delusional.
  19. scorpion

    2024 Election Lounge

    It's gotta be Gavin to create buzz, excitement and maximum contrast with Trump. Big Mike is on the record as not being interested. Hillary would obviously be salivating for the opportunity, but she's still the same unlikeable Hillary who lost to Trump in 2016. Gavin is young, sharp and very...
  20. scorpion

    2024 Election Lounge

    Throwing him straight under the bus. The Dems are pulling the knives out all at once. It looks like staging this early debate - knowing that Biden would perform abysmally - was their plan to get him off the ticket.