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Search results

  1. T


    Doing 200-500 approaches with almost zero dates or connections formed is going to be somewhat ego shattering. Especially if you are in this foreign country alone without a proper social network. It can be seriously despair inducing to be alone in a foreign country with the goal to meet women not...
  2. T

    EURO 2024 Championship

    Seriously. England vs Slovakia and Portugal Vs Slovenia. Two of the most high drama games of sports I've seen in my life. You honestly could not write this stuff and get away with it. In my opinion, the best drama now takes place in live professional sports. With movies and TV now utterly...
  3. T


    Well certainly if you are doing around 500 approaches and not getting many dates something is wrong... I don't know. What is your life like outside of the women stuff? Do you have a job and hobbies/interests? What are you doing there during the day? You can't just rock up and get a woman. You...
  4. T


    That's an incredibly high number of approaches. So you are averaging over 20 a day? Did you get any dates?
  5. T


    Are you working there? How many sets/approaches you done?
  6. T

    EURO 2024 Championship

    It isn't vulgar to have athletic skill and talent and put it into practice alongside teammates. Skill, talent and togetherness. The later sorely lacking in modern times and something that even the mere act of watching alongside others helps to create. Ok you don't like football I get it but to...
  7. T

    EURO 2024 Championship

    Last night England were absolutely awful. I am English but I find them the most boring team to watch. It's down to the negative tactics of their terminal loser manager. If England were to get someone like Jurgen Klopp who could unleash their attacking talents they could beat anyone in the world...
  8. T

    EURO 2024 Championship

    Doom scrolling about potential awful scenarios (the next covid!) is probably worse and more akin to porn than football, a sport which contains skill, rivalries between countries/teams and tactics making it more than merely an empty physical act. Plus, there is the storytelling aspect of the game...
  9. T

    EURO 2024 Championship

    England were atrocious yesterday.
  10. T

    EURO 2024 Championship

    Spain looked good yesterday but they will struggle against teams who can defend better than Croatia did yesterday. France will probably win the tournament.
  11. T

    Video Gaming Critical Discussion

    Yeah dude. Is awesome. So to answer my question considering all the fire emblem games (including new ones but any from SNES era or even GBA or DS) what's the best? Especially for someone who does not love RPGs beyond Pokemon.
  12. T

    Video Gaming Critical Discussion

    Yep plus you can quite easily mod it and get 8/16/32 bit title Roms on emulator. Adding that element makes it even more impressive. I have a library of SNES games, Genesis stuff. NES and GBA games. It's just awesome.
  13. T

    Video Gaming Critical Discussion

    I have a 2DS. In terms of titles released it might be one of the best.
  14. T

    Video Gaming Critical Discussion

    How would you rate the 3DS fire emblem games?
  15. T


    Just keep trying to do a number of approaches everyday and try different settings and times of day. Think of it this way, how much do you as an individual represent the place you are from? You can probably at least get a quasi date that's more of a language practice. Just keep trying and be...
  16. T


    Yeah, I've been back to Albania something like 5 times since then and it changes every time. Getting way more touristy. It was truly incredible in 2021 to contrast the relative freedom there during the pandemic but now I like it less and less. I still have nostalgia about that time but it isn't...
  17. T


    I did 100 approaches in Tirana, got 20 numbers and 10 dates. One of those girls became my girlfriend but there was a year of texting/building connection between meeting her and getting together and I had to go back again. I also did 100 approaches in Podgorica and went on I think 5 dates. I got...
  18. T


    Have you tried Tirana? or Podgorica?
  19. T


    No there isn't. It's not like buying a book off amazon mate. Maybe it would help to share what you are doing to find a girlfriend? Are you cold approaching on the streets? In coffee shops? How much? What do you look like? What do you do for a living?
  20. T

    Died Suddenly (SADS)

    It seems the MSM is starting to report vax deaths: https://www.yahoo.com/news/covid-vaccines-may-helped-fuel-051100916.html