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Search results

  1. P

    Digital nomad jobs

    Start a YouTube channel if you really want to be a digital nomad. You will want to leverage the internet In some way to make money while abroad. Otherwise, move to a red state. Taxes aren’t nearly as bad in a red state compared to a blue metro area.
  2. P

    Should women vote? Or should women maybe vote depending on passing a test?

    Thanks for the reply, dove of the sun. I can’t comment on the Latin American health system. But I can comment on the health system I frequent. Here in South Dakota we have the Avera health system. Avera Mckennan was started by The Presentation Sisters of Aberdeen (South Dakota). You can read...
  3. P

    Should women vote? Or should women maybe vote depending on passing a test?

    Yes, they should. Women have only been voting for around 100 years. There are going to be some growing pains. They got the right to vote because they proved themselves capable. Today women are accountants, doctors, lawyers, politicians, police officers, and even airline pilots. Allowing them to...
  4. P

    2024 Election Lounge

    I hope it plays out this way. This will encourage more Americans to move to where they feel represented.
  5. P

    Career And Job Advice Q&A

    Linkedin. But Remote may be hard for entry level. Career fairs or some sort of connection with whomever gave you your degree are the alternative. If you did well earning your degree, your teacher/professor/instructor won’t have a problem pointing you in the right direction. Remote jobs are a...