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  1. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    I just checked and Grayscale is dumping only 500-750btc per day for a few days now (they used to dump 8-10k btc/day at the start of the btc ETFs). If the portions that they dump stay in this range or get lower I can see a gradual run to 100-120k before end of year.
  2. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    The rolex/car/yacht wealth signalling is beneath me. These things give fleeting joy and do not give me lasting happiness and btc is a better appreciating investment vehicle. My worry right now is Grayscale customers continues to dump on us thanks to the 1.5% interest rate they refuse to change...
  3. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Anyone know what time they announce it in the US?
  4. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    I'll keep an eye on this one
  5. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    WU has a ton of competition outside of btc so yeah the outlook doesn't look bright anyway. I don't see btc getting adopted as a currency in most countries. If governments adopted it they could not print it to pay for things or even collect taxes, it would essentially be self deletion. Also...
  6. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    I've talked to my friends from back who are new to crypto and even they speculate that the Jan 10th ARK spot etf application will be rejected to manipulate the price downward. They are even shorting which is ballsy. If it gets rejected again in March I am not sure how I will cope with a stagnant...
  7. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Rate cuts are always positive for asset holders. They just coincide with recession because they are introduced by central banks when there are economic catastrophes (dot com bubble, 2008, covid, and now the US regional banking crisis). Re: Solana I don't look at blockchain transactions or dev...
  8. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    I can see 200k+ only with bitcoin spot ETFs. Just imagine if that happens.
  9. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Pretty much spot on. This is why I am much more skeptical to see big gains in btc this bull run without the spot etf
  10. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Why cant the SEC reject the ARK application and approve a bunch of them in march? I apologise if this is a dumb question but I don't get why Jan 10 is the final due date for spot etfs
  11. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Historically btc has gone up to around 60-65% of it's previous ATH before the halfing before taking a dump. That'd be around 41-44k. Last time it was Covid, this time it could be new flu coming from China...or the spot etf actually happens and it could take off
  12. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    I'm stealing this
  13. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Looks like the US gov wants blood. CZ's deal to leave the US got cancelled despite having a deal with the judge. 4.3 billion + 150MM fine and he might still do some time in prison. 6 more weeks until Jan 10th. I'll try to keep my myself occupied.
  14. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    It's a nothing burger but I don't like how the US government is endlessly bullying crypto with no end in sight. He will get a suspended sentence and Binance will move on. Later today they will also announce another W over crypto, possibly related to Tether...
  15. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    I heard that if all of the spot etf's are rejected before April the SEC will be dealing with a train of lawsuits from all of the spot etf filing institutions so that might be interesting.
  16. burner

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Bitcoin spot ETFs still happening? As the halfing loses relevance with most of the btc issued already I really want ETFs to push the price past 100k USD.