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  1. Murdock

    2024 Election Lounge

    No, no, no don’t you understand!? It’s because racism (or whatever the buzzword is this week).
  2. Murdock

    Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

    Trump Indicted For Murdering Elderly Man On CNN babylonbee.comOpen
  3. Murdock

    2024 Election Lounge

    I can’t believe that I now find myself cheering on Joe Biden-not to win again but to remain the nominee-but that’s what things have come to.
  4. Murdock

    2024 Election Lounge

    I’d go with a bit of both. By pretty much any objective standard-the economy, national security, the border etc Biden has either been an outright failure or severely lacking at best. These people WILL support him no matter what because there’s a D next to his name.
  5. Murdock

    2024 Election Lounge

    Given-and yes I spelled that incorrectly on purpose-is the most “conventional” candidate. They could probably spin him as a kind of modern JFK. I’ve heard that the leftists still consider 2016 to be a miscarriage of justice. They’d love nothing more than to “right a wrong” and see her back in...
  6. Murdock

    2024 Election Lounge

    Well you called it.
  7. Murdock

    2024 Election Lounge

    They’d probably try and claim it was the stress of debating Trump. They can make Biden out to be a martyr-documentaries on tv, the works. Sadly, at this point, he’s probably more useful to his allies this way.
  8. Murdock

    2024 Election Lounge

    “He’s a Manchurian Candidate”
  9. Murdock

    2024 Election Lounge

    Given Nuisance is watching from the shadows somewhere grinning ear to ear and rubbing his hands together.
  10. Murdock

    2024 Election Lounge

    Biden has been staring with a gaping open mouth at what Trump is saying-and not the way Tucker Carlson does when he’s interviewing someone. Update: he’s doing it again.
  11. Murdock

    2024 Election Lounge

    Yeah that was pretty cringy.
  12. Murdock

    2024 Election Lounge

    This reminds me of documentaries I’ve seen about the Kennedy/Nixon debate. Biden is coughing and stumbling his way through his talking points-if he’s even finishing them.
  13. Murdock

    2024 Election Lounge

    “He beat Medicare to death” That’s the line of the night right there.
  14. Murdock

    The Movie Thread

    Surprisingly-and mostly unintentionally-several recent Marvel films of all things. They’ve been trying to push “Kang the Conqueror” at first through various tv shows-that almost no one actually watched-and then in a film (Ant Man and the Wasp “Quantumania”) few bothered to watch in theatres. Old...
  15. Murdock

    The Movie Thread

    No, I’m being completely serious. There’s no question that this film was made from a secular perspective but I still found some value to be gained from it. If you want to credit what value there is to be gained in it to the Lord then I certainly won’t argue with you. As far as the father’s...
  16. Murdock

    The Movie Thread

    “My wife made the mistake of going to see the latest Kung Fu Panda with her mother and she said it was just too dark. All of our kids seemed to have a cloud around them for the rest of the day.” I’m not trying to be critical here, I’m genuinely curious, is there anything in particular that...
  17. Murdock

    The Movie Thread

    I’d like to try to end this year on a high note movie-wise. I said in my last post in this thread that I would report on “Godzilla Minus One” if I saw it, so here it is, spoiler free aside from the basic set up: First off, this is a great movie. It feels like an old fashioned action-thriller...
  18. Murdock

    Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

    He was also such a real life “badass”- for lack of a more forum appropriate term-that when Hollywood decided to make a movie based on his life they realized the only man fit to play Audie Murphy…was Audie Murphy.
  19. Murdock

    The Movie Thread

    I saw “The Boy and the Heron” on Friday. It’s a Hayao Miyazaki film from Studio Ghibli. It did not disappoint. It could likely be his final film, and if it is it’s a fitting end to his career, but I’m still hoping for another. It’s been 10 years since “The Wind Rises”-which was supposed to be...
  20. Murdock

    Heritage Request Thread

    Whoops. Never mind, it looks like I’ve been approved and have been granted the heritage banner. Thank You.