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Search results

  1. E

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    One thing you notice talking to a lot of the warhawks. They don't actually like Ukraine or Ukranians. They just hate Russians and very frequently have genocidal attitudes towards them.
  2. E

    Donald Trump

    I'd argue that, assuming there's no good proof of him being a trojan horse, he's a strong pick because it's an insurance policy. If the #2 coming up is the guy who has been most vocal about dismantling the security state and demonstrates a strong understanding of how the opposition work (IMHO...
  3. E

    LGBT Agenda

    To some extent. However the behavioral markers tend to show up very early, and there's some physical markers that are present from birth. The one I recall is that the distance between the genitalia and anus is a strong indicator for how heterosexual a male child will be when growing up, and it's...
  4. E

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Keep in mind there's also a political calculus in play. Russia doesn't regard the opinion of the American public as relevant or material (ref: wikileaks cables on the topic). They DO place a lot of value on what various "neutral" nations like India and a lot of the African nations think.
  5. E

    US College protests -Israel/Palestine

    I don't have an exact clip, but I listen to Scott Adams sometimes when doing office work during his live streams ( 10 AM Eastern, "Coffee with Scott Adams") He has a hypothesis: the funding source for this is our own government or someone who is aligned with the Democratic party. The reason why...
  6. E

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    Yep. Armstrong covered the plan in an interview last week where he said that Ukraine isn't supposed to win. They were just supposed to soften Russia up so that NATO can "finish the job". My assessment is that this didn't work because it dramatically depleted both the USA and Europe's...
  7. E

    Coffee Thread

    I found a new brand that's fantastic. Jamn' Bean. It's the first coffee that's so smooth I actually enjoy it black.
  8. E

    Will God destroy America like Sodom and Gommorah?

    No. America will destroy itself.
  9. E

    The NoPorn / NoFap Thread - For Those Who're Serious

    She had quit and was trying to live a normal life, and was attending church. She stopped because she overheard some conversations to the effect that she was unwelcome at church.
  10. E

    The NoPorn / NoFap Thread - For Those Who're Serious

    I don't know what inspired me to view this suggestion, but it had some interesting lessons learned. Be warned the interviewer isn't all that religion friendly. https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=5UKa6Tvz95Y (link edited to stop a potentially triggering thumbnail) There were a few takeaways that...
  11. E

    Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

    Fulton center in Manhattan is shutting down blaming crime. https://www.the-sun.com/news/10877046/fulton-centre-westfield-mall-theft-epidemic/
  12. E

    Patriot Front (and other White Nationalist Groups)

    Normiecons think that.
  13. E

    The Vladimir Putin Thread

    Of course you're going to have massive capital flight and money laundering if oligarchs are fleeing.
  14. E

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    No. You keep an eye on them because the CCP is selective about who is allowed to travel, and only party loyalists are generally allowed to do so.
  15. E

    Nikki Haley

    So both Nudelman and Sticky Nikki are out within the span of 24 hours. Something is up.
  16. E

    Lyft and Uber at unforeseen hours in the middle of the night

    So. I used to have to routinely order 4 AM Lyfts for work back in the day. I had one of those travel every week jobs. The answer is "kind of". If you're in a large city like that a driver will be available. HOWEVER I recommend you hail a half hour early. It can take some time to get a driver.
  17. E

    Starting to think this forum was a mistake

    It's hardly incel coping, but we've got less diversity because the transition was difficult. I was not able to get my account created until going through massive hassle to find the correct Element channel.
  18. E

    Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

    The weak spot is the competency crisis. These people are far less competent than their forebears, the middle managers are increasingly raging idiots with non-functioning brains, and the people they're counting on to be the foot soldiers who will work in the production lines and in the trenches...
  19. E

    2024 Election Lounge

    It also can be a more generalized reference to the notion that 80-90 years is how long it takes for a civilizational cycle to complete and be replaced with something else More or less it's a telephone game version of Armstrong's 86 year business cycle thing.
  20. E

    America's Woke & Obese Military

    Yeah. And does that mentality still apply? There's no perception of glory or being tested in the current environment that hates you and values traitism above all else.