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Search results

  1. C

    Should women vote? Or should women maybe vote depending on passing a test?

    Maybe if we have some requirement I could change my NO, to a Yes. They need to: 1.) Have children 2.) Not divorced 3.) Only Christian Thats it. Fair isnt it?
  2. C

    2024 Election Lounge

    Someone needs to educate me, as I am not from the US. I watched maybe 5-6 interviews with Biden during his presidency. How on earth are people surprised he did "that bad" when it is consistent with his everyday speeches? It was crystal clear he would appear like an old, senile grandpa because he...
  3. C

    Finasteride, Dutasteride and Hair Transplants

    Friendly reminder: Finasterid does work do not stop it or pause it. I stopped taking Finasterid after I got my hairtransplant because at the same time, I got my first kid. I lost a lot of hair by stopping Fina. I told myself having a family now, more things are important than hair (I still...
  4. C

    The Mexico Thread

  5. C

    LGBT Agenda

    Can I ask you if not too personal, how your relationship with your parents, especially your father was?
  6. C

    The Mexico Thread

    A women AND a Jew? Goodbye Mexico.
  7. C

    Rise of the DINKs (Final Civ Death Stage)

    That's why I left my hatred for Muslims some time ago. Exactly because they, at least, do not have those kinds of people. Sure, they may contribute to some issues in my country, but the happiest comments my daughter receives from random people are from Muslim mothers. They truly love children...
  8. C

    Sunscreen: Good or Bad?

    My doctor once told me to start in the summer from 5min exposure without sunscreen and then 5min shade (and so on) to slowly increase the time. End of summer you can go for 30-40min without any problems and no creme. I did this 3 times now and it works good. Its a long process as I start...
  9. C

    Funny and Cool Pics and Vids

    I cant even go to a park without dog piss everywhere...
  10. C

    Candace Owens

    Isnt the greenlight just now after the Jews mass murdered children (well, still do)? It takes a genocid to green light a conversation about the JQ. And then still you need to be a minority to do so. God forbid a white christian guy says one little thing. Thats how protected they are.
  11. C

    Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

    Well, South Africa is a shithole. Its sad that we need now South Africa style security to protect Christians.
  12. C

    Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel

    Insane how much some people here defend the muslims. You are blind. Sometimes the truth IS infront of you. I live in a country with 30% of muslims and I tell you, would I say at night on the street to a group of muslims the same things Mar Mari said about Mohammed, one out of two times I would...
  13. C

    How would you live if you won the lottery?

    What a shitty article. How many times the author wants to write: "his grey hair..." , "Trump hat"...blah blah. He won 10 million and is now worth more than that 30 years later. So, good for him. I dont think many people can do that.
  14. C

    Current Events in Russia

    Uhm, 500k rubles is around 5k USD right? Im also very certain it was CIA/Mossad but how do you find people mass killing for 5k? This is insane. My bathroom cost more than that.
  15. C

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    Once a german women told me: "But but who is gonna cook your Kebab?" after I told her we have too many Muslims. I can happily live my whole life not eating cheap Kebab anymore that 9 out 10 times is made with the cheapest meat you can find.
  16. C

    The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

    Martin is a good guy. He still thinks we can steer the boat away from the cliff. It's good he organizes and does events, but I think here in this forum we can say the truth, and the truth is that it's too late. Remigration will NEVER happen. Before we will have a civil war. I talked to some guys...
  17. C

    The Destruction of Modern Women

    I see tons of children with problems now. Hearing aids, wheelchair, autism, deformed something etc. Its very sad. I dont recall to see that in the past. Most women now (at least in western europe), tend to make children after 30. Me and my wife joke sometimes on the playground, if the caretaker...
  18. C

    Starting to think this forum was a mistake

    I have two kids and just escaped to the country side (in my own country). Wife also still young. How many kids have your wife pushed out yet?
  19. C

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    This. German/Swiss news this morning: "Fact checkers confirmed, no Nazis in Ukraine because Zelensky had relatives that died in the holocaust". You need to speak to normies in a certain way, to make their sheep brain think a bit. Putin failed at that. But maybe he doesnt care.