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Search results

  1. Uzisuicide

    2024 Election Lounge

    Expanding one something I brought up in an earlier post. Identity politics is so absolute in the Democrat party that even money can't break it. Look at the Maryland Senate race. Despite having spent $64 million on his Senate primary campaign, David Trone (white male and sitting U.S. Congressman)...
  2. Uzisuicide

    2024 Election Lounge

    God bless Steve Bannon! Let's pray for him and support him.
  3. Uzisuicide

    2024 Election Lounge

    Moral of the story is: the Democrats are in big trouble. They have 13 or so more seats to defend in the US Senate than the republicans do (including independents who caucus with them). Furthermore, look at the numbers in the open seat Senate race in Maryland. Former Governor Larry Hogan (R)...
  4. Uzisuicide

    Prayer Requests Thread

    Please pray for me brothers. I am caught between a woman I have a commitment with who was kind of a rebound, and the ex who has entered the picture again. I might have broke up with her for the wrong reasons. All of this is no older than 6 months.I love one more than the other. But one might be...
  5. Uzisuicide

    2024 Election Lounge

    The "con artist" has paid a higher personal price for his efforts to stop the all out destruction of America than any other politician I can think of. Some of the posts in this thread are getting ridiculous: 'Jew wanted Biden then switched to Trump because Trump likes Jew more.' Jew only gave...
  6. Uzisuicide

    2024 Election Lounge

    Why now? They didn't see this man for what he was two years ago? Biden has been impaired for a long time now and they know it. The problem now is that there is no way to hide it.
  7. Uzisuicide

    2024 Election Lounge

    "If the Republican party doesn't do something about mass immigration, then mass immigration will do something about the Republican party." -Pat Buchanan, "The Death of the West" 2001
  8. Uzisuicide

    Income inequality in the US

    LINK BELOW: Banks profits are theirs, banks losses are ours. There's about to be a rout in commercial retail. These property owners have interest only loans on them and the entire balance is coming due at the end of '24. Or they can re-fi at probably double the interest rate which they can't...
  9. Uzisuicide

    Income inequality in the US

    One more thing speaking of the game Monopoly. If the game was about everyone having the same assets equally distributed then there would be no reason to play the game.
  10. Uzisuicide

    Income inequality in the US

    You cannot blame income inequality on Capitalism. No system of redistribution of wealth actually creates wealth. Capitalism incentivizes production with the promise that you can enjoy the fruits of your own labor or ideas. Every social or economic system in history has seen its wealth aggregate...
  11. Uzisuicide

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    It's like a form of gaslighting. Thank God they can't meme. Because the don't care about truth also means that they don't have a sense of humor too. Those systems are connected, hence the emergence of the NPC meme years ago.
  12. Uzisuicide

    Income inequality in the US

    Income inequality is one thing but people will not be able to build wealth if usury and banking are not completely reformed. `Banks hold notes on retail space and owners charge exorbitant rents to tenants making it hard for small business and job creation. `Commercial real estate is only now...
  13. Uzisuicide

    Logistics and Supply Chain Professional Discussion

    https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/dramatic-footage-shows-first-houthi-kamikaze-drone-boat-strike-bulk-carrier That this stuff is still going on with the Houthis is crazy. There still is no cogent strategy to protect boats in these shipping lanes. Supply chain interruptions certainly don't...
  14. Uzisuicide

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    What lie? The Hunter Biden laptop? Anything these people don't want to hear are 'lies'. Typical female cognitive dissonance: Her: "You're lying" Him: "What am I lying about? Tell me." Her: "You just are"
  15. Uzisuicide

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    Surprised that he said that out loud. That statement confirmed the existence of the deep state. What good are term limits if you have 'deep staters' that can simply wait out a Congress or a President?
  16. Uzisuicide

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    And which political party has violated every societal norm in recent years to gain and keep power. None of us will be surprised if elections are suspended.
  17. Uzisuicide

    The Biden-Harris Administration

    And he still has the support of almost half of the country. Primarily young and unmarried women, wealthy aristocrats and minorities. Although we're seeing an awakening amongst working class/blue collar black men. Anecdotally, I'm union and my black co-workers who have traditionally voted...
  18. Uzisuicide

    Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

    Sorry for language...
  19. Uzisuicide

    Alex Jones Thread

    https://thepostmillennial.com/alex-jones-files-to-liquidate-assets-after-sandy-hook-families-reject-55-million-settlement On what planet does a citizen get a civil penalty of $1.5 billion when a court analysis shows that the defendant has at tops $10 million in total assets? How can any jury or...