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  1. B

    2024 Election Lounge

    You make a good point. All the (((conservative))) team do in our modern democracies is protect the degeneration and radicalism that the last Left wing party achieved last time out.. Remember how Rush Limbaugh's replacement was ex-intelligence? Alex Jones credibly tied to the CIA, Dan Bongino is...
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    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    People don't always understand that the Zio-Freemason agents aren't always friends - they are usually evil people forced to share common purpose with other plants puppets and other kinds of evil people, and the first chance they get to turn on one another and watch each other fall they pounce on...
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    South Africa's Descent Into A New Zimbabwe

    @stadtaffe the king of the Zulus until recently was Goodwill Zwelithini, his father appointed Mangosuthu Buthelezi as the political leader of the Zulus back in the 1980s. Buthulezi was a prince, and so you see that the royal houses of the Zulu still exist and are still relevant in today's...
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    Situation in the Red Sea

    Just a bit of food for thought - this has been going on for years.. Years and YEARS.. Now its the Houthis, in the recent past it was the Somali pirates with their small speedboats and small arms Terrorising International Shipping Lanes - and even back then the "international community" threw up...
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    South Africa's Descent Into A New Zimbabwe

    @stadtaffe There are a lot of minor parties but they tend to be African Nationalist in orientation, they have very little funds to campaign with and so that would constitute an empty vote and/or they tend to be parties that are less political movements as much as vehicles for minor celebrities...
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    Tucker Carlson Thread

    This is typical Tucker. He told his viewers immediately after the 2020 election that he was the guy who loved Trump, and that nearly every single person at Fox in Washington, that he had to work with, privately hated (away from their public tub-thumping for) Trump and secretly prayed for his...
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    South Africa's Descent Into A New Zimbabwe

    And so the utterly corrupt and thieving ANC was forecast to win, but to barely scrape a win - which is what has happened. Or did they? They needed 50% to rule outright and scraped 40% The thing is that the ANC has the logistic network to mobilise a vote - using threats if necessary - amongst...
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    Current Events in Russia

    Let me tell you something about Singapore. Not really to prove any point exactly but just because your post jogged my memory. I was there in 2001. I remember reading the paper after I arrived in a bus stop. written by a Singaporean Chinese journalist in literal Victorian tones it described a...
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    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    Yes, Nick Kollerstrom. I think Kollerstrom has done good work in some areas .. but I dont trust him. The thing with Kollerstrom is he takes good work and he changes it into something absurd. His work on the holocaust hoax and the gunpowder plot (the actual allegations of which are absurd) is...
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    Tucker Carlson Thread

    The symbolism in this interview was off the scale. I know that people don't necessary like topics like Symbolism but.. all I will say is Tucker severely creeped me out here. Despite having more money than most of us could comprehend and no employer to satisfy Tucker gets more and more normie...
  11. B

    Candace Owens

    "haven't read your post in detail, as it's too long and I am at work" - There's no hurry. "but taking that church floor as evidence of masonic signaling is simply far too weak and inconclusive a basis to discredit her as controlled opposition." - then read the rest of what I wrote. You may not...
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    Candace Owens

    I think the jews are very aware of their need to provide their own 'anti-jewish' opposition before the real thing can develop organically. Look for example at the UK where the 'based' conservatives thrown up as an alternative to jewish Boris Johnson, useless Liz Truss and finance-golem Rishi...
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    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    The thing is that Hitler and NSDAP Germany is such a big topic It is probably the most lied about war and epoch in History. But having said that, people will believe what their knowledge and intuition tell them.. And someone "convinced against their will is of the same opinion still.." so what I...
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    Geopolitics Lounge

    The saga of the CryptoJew eh? Someone told me recently that there was an effort in the online world to rebrand the origins of the Rothschilds as being "mixed European ancestry". Kanye Wests psychotic personal trainer who threatened him with chemical lobotomy had his jewish roots scrubbed off his...
  15. B

    April 8th, 2024 Solar Eclipse

    I just got myself a Twitter/X account. So far I'm following one "far right" influencer and that's it. My newsfeed has been empty. the account is only a few days old. But today I was 'suggested' a post about the woo-woo aspects of Eclipses. 1/2 AND an influencer Ive never heard of was...
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    Alex Jones Thread

    They always try to get out ahead of any trend or mood in society. As has been repeated many times, just like a Mossad operation, they like to make up all the players - the good guys, the bad guy opposition, the neutral bystanders, the hardliner "baht-sees" - you name it. Certainly in terms of...
  17. B

    Current Events in Russia

    A lot of alt right media seems desperate to ignore the 'intel agencies' aspect of these kinds of attacks. They are keen to make this all about lone Muslims and complaints about immigration etc. Telling them that their own governments are involved is seemingly Verboten. I don't know how much...
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    Geopolitics Lounge

    I don't think they'e strayed - I think they are still on the same part of the chess board that the jews placed them on back in the 1960s This is the jewish Diaclectic - using both sides opposing energies as the wings of a bird - to guide society or the world to their desired destination. If you...
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    Geopolitics Lounge

    Breaking my abstinence just to chime in here. Gilbert Bigio goes far further than just being a stereotypical jewish skeez profiting off the suffering of others. I remember when there was trouble in Haiti back in the early '90's and the London Daily Mail did a pice on the (((White))) Haitian...
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    Irish Politics Thread

    I am actually starting a church retreat today and will be away from the internet for a while, and also off of this forum. Lets ll set our watches two years from now and see if a celebrity led uprising against the base of Big Tech in Europe and a bastion of EU control has taken place. I want to...