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Search results

  1. Brebelle3

    Lifter's Lounge

    Yes sir. One of my fondest memories of living in Vietnam the past 4 years was joining an unairconditioned gym. The ladies that did have a membership would go early in the morning, leaving the place for serious lifting men the rest of the day/evening. It was awesome working out in that dump...
  2. Brebelle3

    Martial Arts/MMA Thread

    Brothers, my boy turns 3 next month and can begin BJJ nearby. I'm a gym rat, but never trained in BJJ. Any advice for how to prepare for his first visit? They'll give me 30 days free to make sure he's into it and the training is 2 days per week, 30 minute sessions. 3-5 year olds.
  3. Brebelle3

    Coffee Thread

    When I lived in Da Lat, Vietnam I loved being able to pull beans right from my backyard. The central highlands were a perfect climate to grow so many types of food. My mother in law just sent me a years worth of Vietnamese coffee grown on her property in Da Lat. Using a phin filter with those...
  4. Brebelle3

    The Rest In Peace (RIP) Thread

    If you only knew, brother. I was a different man back then. Broke a few clipboards over the years. I had a friend that played for Knight while we were both at IU and he loved the man. It took a special young man to play for coach. His style doesn't translate anymore and that's too bad in my...
  5. Brebelle3

    The Rest In Peace (RIP) Thread

    This one was a gut punch for me. IU is my alma mater and I attended school there in the 90's. Knight was coaching there then and of course growing up in Indiana and being a bit of a local basketball star, I wanted to play for Bob Knight. When he would walk in the arena during warmups...
  6. Brebelle3

    Lifter's Lounge

    I was in the gym 6-7 days per week, but at 49, my body can't handle that much training. I have been overtraining. Has anyone tried more of the Mike Mentzer style of training, 1 max set to true failure and only spending 30 minutes in the gym? I'm considering finally dropping squats and...