Basic Foundation for Health Recovery


I am fortunate that I have good genes, however I have been very hard on my 50+ year old body and I am looking for basic ways to recover and improve my physical and mental health. A decade ago I was an in shape athlete but have since let my health slip after a depressing breakup and to pursue money.

I've started the process of recovery by doing the following things:

1. Stopped drinking alcohol and smoking.
2. Drinking only water and decaffinated green tea (with a daily dose of ACV).
3. Started walking a lot and stopped fapping (will soon add more vigorous exercise in the form of weights, stretching, and cycling once I feel stronger and after an upcoming hernia surgery).
4. Started taking Animal Pak Ultimate Foundation multi-vitamin (thanks to @Get2choppaaa and @Wutang for this recommendation).
5. Started talking less and listening more and not oversharing my successes and failures with others (stoicism).
6. Started cooking most of my meals which consist mainly of organic meats, eggs, veges, and whole grains.
7. Eliminated 90% of my previous refined sugar intake from my diet (use primarily stevia, maple syrup, and honey now).
8. Eat dinner at least 3 hours before lying down in bed (this, with stopping drinking/smoking eliminated acid reflux).
9. Started praying every morning for God to forgive my past sins and to bless both my friends and my enemies.

I'm just interested in what other forum members here would add (or subtract) to this list? For example, should I start taking a probiotic supplement or will eating whole milk yogurt suffice?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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I am fortunate that I have good genes, however I have been very hard on my 50+ year old body and I am looking for basic ways to recover and improve my physical and mental health. A decade ago I was an in shape athlete but have since let my health slip after a depressing breakup and to pursue money.

I've started the process of recovery by doing the following things:

1. Stopped drinking alcohol and smoking.
2. Drinking only water and decaffinated green tea (with a daily dose of ACV).
3. Started walking a lot and stopped fapping (will soon add more vigorous exercise in the form of weights, stretching, and cycling once I feel stronger and after an upcoming hernia surgery).
4. Started taking Animal Pak Ultimate Foundation multi-vitamin (thanks to @Get2choppaaa and @Wutang for this recommendation).
5. Started talking less and listening more and not oversharing my successes and failures with others (stoicism).
6. Started cooking most of my meals which consist mainly of organic meats, eggs, veges, and whole grains.
7. Eliminated 90% of my previous refined sugar intake from my diet (use primarily stevia, maple syrup, and honey now).
8. Eat dinner at least 3 hours before lying down in bed (this, with stopping drinking/smoking eliminated acid reflux).
9. Started praying every morning for God to forgive my past sins and to bless both my friends and my enemies.

I'm just interested in what other forum members here would add (or subtract) to this list? For example, should I start taking a probiotic supplement or will eating whole milk yogurt suffice?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Sounds like you're doing great brother, God bless you and give you strength on your path.

2. Just a note about ACV, it's bad for your teeth I actually shoot it down my throat with a blunt syringe.

4. Animal pak is tried and true it's good stuff, after doing an excessive amount of research I actually ended up choosing orange triad as my multi...just if you ever want to change it up.

Probiotics definitely help but fermented foods are just as good if you want to keep it natural.

Thats all I can pick at from your list that wouldn't be subjective or personal preference, sounds like you're doing great things brother. I actually just had an umbilical hernia surgery myself last year, lifting those dumbbells up one hand at a time to do dumbbell press....never again. I wear a waist belt now whenever I lift, not a full on like lifting belt it's more of a waist trainer, just keeps everything warm and in place. I never liked any weight lifting aids.

Is there something specific you're looking to fix or achieve? That may help in regards to advice and suggestions.
This is a great list. The only thing I would add, is that while you mentioned praying, you didn't mention church. If you are not already attending church regularly, I would join one, and get involved. This is a big plus for mental health, which in turn helps you to stick to the other objectives more easily.
Just a note about ACV, it's bad for your teeth I actually shoot it down my throat with a blunt syringe.
Total commitment! Lol'd at that one. Hadn't thought of that. Do you think brushing one's teeth after ACV would work too?
Is there something specific you're looking to fix or achieve? That may help in regards to advice and suggestions.
The main thing I want to achieve is to get back to a high level of surfing. I've been watching clips of Kelly Slater (age 53) surfing heavy, dangerous waves in Hawaii this winter and it has just inspired me to get off my ass and get back out there. But if I went out right now in the conditions he's been surfing this winter I'd drown. So I really need to work on lung capacity as well as knee and shoulder/rotator cuff strength and flexibility. I figure if I hit it hard I can be ready for next winter. However, I also don't want injure myself in the process. I also realize the clock is ticking and that I ain't no spring chicken, but if I get back in shape I figure I can get another 5 to 7 years of high performance surfing in before I gotta kook out and start riding a longboard.

I also want to avoid getting another hernia...
I actually just had an umbilical hernia surgery myself last year, lifting those dumbbells up one hand at a time to do dumbbell press....never again. I wear a waist belt now whenever I lift, not a full on like lifting belt it's more of a waist trainer, just keeps everything warm and in place.
Great idea. I'll adopt that technique too. Thank you.
The only thing I would add, is that while you mentioned praying, you didn't mention church.
Yeah, this is an excellent one. I have some roadblocks to this one as I work 6am to 6pm Sundays and I'm on the road a lot. I suppose I could just drop into any old church on Wednesday nights? I'm usually on the road Wednesdays so that could be interesting if I just find the nearest church to me on Wednesday evenings and stop in for the service. A different church each week kind of thing. Better than nothing I suppose?
Total commitment! Lol'd at that one. Hadn't thought of that. Do you think brushing one's teeth after ACV would work too?

The main thing I want to achieve is to get back to a high level of surfing. I've been watching clips of Kelly Slater (age 53) surfing heavy, dangerous waves in Hawaii this winter and it has just inspired me to get off my ass and get back out there. But if I went out right now in the conditions he's been surfing this winter I'd drown. So I really need to work on lung capacity as well as knee and shoulder/rotator cuff strength and flexibility.
I figure if I hit it hard I can be ready for next winter. However, I also don't want injure myself in the process. I also realize the clock is ticking and that I ain't no spring chicken, but if I get back in shape I figure I can get another 5 to 7 years of high performance surfing in before I gotta kook out and start riding a longboard.

I also want to avoid getting another hernia...

Great idea. I'll adopt that technique too. Thank you.

Yeah, this is an excellent one. I have some roadblocks to this one as I work 6am to 6pm Sundays and I'm on the road a lot. I suppose I could just drop into any old church on Wednesday nights? I'm usually on the road Wednesdays so that could be interesting if I just find the nearest church to me on Wednesday evenings and stop in for the service. A different church each week kind of thing. Better than nothing I suppose?
If you're on the road, then yeah you'd have to stop into a nearby church. If your travel follows a regular pattern, you might be able to go back to the same churches over time.

Whenever I travel, I find a local church and attend. I really like visiting different churches.

Ultimately I'd suggest that you find a way to change your work schedule on Sunday, to at least attend either in the mornings or evenings. It's important to be part of a body of Christian believers. Being part of the Body of Christ is a fundamental part of being Christian.
Its a process and a deep rabbit hole probably the best is to cut out non productive media and replace it with health learning. Swap the news and politics for health reading/listening. Find wholesome content creators you like and keep following and learning from them. Listen to health podcasts and implement things that fit your goals and situation. its a gradual process and experimentation. I would personally avoid all the meanstream huberjew and rogan types and go for smaller and genuine content creators. This even gives an opportunity to interact with them or receive direct coaching. This is also how i got a tip that literally saved my life. The science and mainstream just led me down the wrong path. I like to follow homesteaders and hollistic types, more intuition, personal experience and old school wisdom based. There is a type of biohacker trust the science and mainstream podcast format that i avoid like the plague and block.
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How many days a week are you working 6am to 6pm?

If you have digestive /Gastro issues, I’d consider finding a source for raw dairy products. I’ve been drinking 8oz of raw whole milk each day, with small serving of cottage cheese, and I swear It’s completely fixed me it seems.
Its a process and a deep rabbit hole probably the best is to cut out non productive media and replace it with health learning. Swap the news and politics for health reading/listening. Find wholesome content creators you like and keep following and learning from them. Listen to health podcasts and implement things that fit your goals and situation. its a gradual process and experimentation. I would personally avoid all the meanstream huberjew and rogan types and go for smaller and genuine content creators. This even gives an opportunity to interact with them or receive direct coaching. This is also how i got a tip that literally saved my life. The science and mainstream just led me down the wrong path. I like to follow homesteaders and hollistic types, more intuition, personal experience and old school wisdom based. There is a type of biohacker trust the science and mainstream podcast format that i avoid like the plague and block.
Is this vein, I've seen and been impressed with Sten Ekberg, who was a decathlete for Sweden in the early 1990s. He's a doctor and has good youtube videos.
How many days a week are you working 6am to 6pm?

If you have digestive /Gastro issues, I’d consider finding a source for raw dairy products. I’ve been drinking 8oz of raw whole milk each day, with small serving of cottage cheese, and I swear It’s completely fixed me it seems.
Interesting, as I've almost always had issues from dairy I think to some degree, and mostly I stay away from it at this point except for cheeses and some yogurt. What do you think is the mechanism or reason why raw milk or raw dairy in general improves one's ability to handle it or reaction to it?
mechanism or reason why raw milk or raw dairy in general improves one's ability to handle it or reaction to it

Dr. Mercola talked about this for years, he changes opinions and always cautions the audience as new reaserch is made and discoveries appear. I dont follow anybody religiously, no matter what you do you always have fat under your skin and elsewhere, I added just a little to my meat, dairy, veggie, and fruit diet when the keto craze started 15 years ago or so, it used to be good fat, now its sugar as the cleanest fuel for the body. He had to pull his articles from the web during covid, then had a paid substack, some content is on lewrockwell for free.

Pasteurized milk

A 2019 study found that all forms of milk processing tested caused “formation of protein oxidation products which impair spatial learning and memory in rats.”

Processing Is the Problem

The path that transforms healthy milk products into allergens and carcinogens begins with modern feeding methods that substitute high-protein, soy-based feeds for fresh green grass and breeding methods to produce cows with abnormally large pituitary glands so that they produce three times more milk than the old fashioned scrub cow. These cows need antibiotics to keep them well.

Their milk is then pasteurized so that all valuable enzymes are destroyed (lactase for the assimilation of lactose; galactase for the assimilation of galactose; phosphatase for the assimilation of calcium).

Literally dozens of other precious enzymes are destroyed in the pasteurization process. Without them, milk is very difficult to digest. The human pancreas is not always able to produce these enzymes; over-stress of the pancreas can lead to diabetes and other diseases.

The butterfat of commercial milk is homogenized, subjecting it to rancidity. Even worse, butterfat may be removed altogether. Skim milk is sold as a health food, but the truth is that butter-fat is in milk for a reason.

Without it the body cannot absorb and utilize the vitamins and minerals in the water fraction of the milk. Along with valuable trace minerals and short chain fatty acids, butterfat is America's best source of preformed vitamin A.

Synthetic vitamin D, known to be toxic to the liver, is added to replace the natural vitamin D complex in butterfat. Butterfat also contains re-arranged acids which have strong anti-carcinogenic properties.

Non-fat dried milk is added to 1% and 2% milk. Unlike the cholesterol in fresh milk, which plays a variety of health promoting roles, the cholesterol in non-fat dried milk is oxidized and it is this rancid cholesterol that promotes heart disease.

Like all spray dried products, non-fat dried milk has a high nitrite content. Non-fat dried milk and sweetened condensed milk are the principle dairy products in third world countries; use of ultra high temperature pasteurized milk is widespread in Europe.

Other Factors Regarding Milk

Milk and refined sugar make two of the largest contributions to food induced ill health in our country. That may seem like an overly harsh statement, but when one examines the evidence, this is a reasonable conclusion.

The recent approval by the FDA of the use of BGH (Bovine Growth Hormone) by dairy farmers to increase their milk production only worsens the already sad picture.

BGH causes an increase in an insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) in the milk of treated cows. IGF-1 survives milk pasteurization and human intestinal digestion. It can be directly absorbed into the human bloodstream, particularly in infants.

It is highly likely that IGF-1 promotes the transformation of human breast cells to cancerous forms. IGF-1 is also a growth factor for already cancerous breast and colon cancer cells, promoting their progression and invasiveness.

It is also possible for us to absorb the BGH directly from the milk. This will cause further IGF-1 production by our own cells.

BGH will also decrease the body fat of cows. Unfortunately, the body fat of cows is already contaminated with a wide range of carcinogens, pesticides, dioxin, and antibiotic residues. When the cows have less body fat, these toxic substances are then transported into the cows' milk.

BGH also causes the cows to have an increase in breast infections for which they must receive additional antibiotics.

Prior to BGH, 38%of milk sampled nationally was already contaminated by illegal residues of antibiotics and animal drugs. This will only increase with the use of BGH. One can only wonder what the long term complications will be for drinking milk that has a 50% chance it is contaminated with antibiotics.

There is also a problem with a protein enzyme called xanthine oxidase which is in cow's milk. Normally, proteins are broken down once you digest them.

However, when milk is homogenized, small fat globules surround the xanthine oxidase and it is absorbed intact into your blood stream. There is some very compelling research demonstrating clear associations with this absorbed enzyme and increased risks of heart disease.

Ear specialists frequently insert tubes into the ear drums of infants to treat recurrent ear infections. It has replaced the previously popular tonsillectomy to become the number one surgery in the country.

Unfortunately, most of these specialists don't realize that over 50% of these children will improve and have no further ear infections if they just stop drinking their milk.

This is a real tragedy. Not only is the $3,000 spent on the surgery wasted, but there are some recent articles supporting the likelihood that most children who have this procedure will have long term hearing losses.

It is my strong recommendation that you discontinue your milk products. If you find this difficult, I would start for several weeks only, and reevaluate how you feel at that time.

This would include ALL dairy, including skim milk and Lact-Aid milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. If you feel better after several weeks you can attempt to rotate small amounts of one form of milk every four days.

You probably are wondering what will happen to your bones and teeth if you stop milk. The majority of the world's population takes in less than half the calcium we are told we need and yet they have strong bones and healthy teeth.

Cows' milk is rich in phosphorous which can combine with calcium -- and can prevent you from absorbing the calcium in milk. The milk protein also accelerates calcium excretion from the blood through the kidneys.

This is also true when you eat large amount of meat and poultry products. Vegetarians will need about 50% less calcium than meat eaters because they lose much less calcium in their urine.

It is possible to obtain all your calcium from dark green vegetables (where do you think the cow gets their's from?). The darker the better. Cooked collard greens and kale are especially good. If you or your child is unable to take in large amounts of green vegetables, you might want to supplement with calcium.

If you can swallow pills, we have an excellent, inexpensive source called Calcium Citrate, which has a number of other minerals which your body requires to build up maximally healthy bone.

It is much better than a simple calcium tablet. You can take about 1,000 mg a day. For those who already suffer from osteoporosis, the best calcium supplement is microcrystalline hydroxyapatite.

It is also important that you take vitamin D in the winter months from November to March. Normally your skin converts sunshine to vitamin D, but the sunshine levels in the winter are very low unless you visit Florida or Mexico type areas.

Most people obtain their vitamin D from milk in the winter; so if you stop it, please make sure you are taking calcium with vitamin D or a multi vitamin with vitamin D to prevent bone thinning.

Most people are not aware that the milk of most mammals varies considerably in its composition. For example, the milk of goats, elephants, cows, camels, wolves, and walruses show marked differences, in their content of fats, protein, sugar, and minerals. Each was designed to provide optimum nutrition to the young of the respective species. Each is different from human milk.

In general, most animals are exclusively breast-fed until they have tripled their birth weight, which in human infants occurs around the age of one year. In no mammalian species, except for the human (and domestic cat) is milk consumption continued after the weaning period. Calves thrive on cow milk. Cow's milk is designed for calves.

Cow's milk is the number one allergic food in this country. It has been well documented as a cause in diarrhea, cramps, bloating, gas, gastrointestinal bleeding, iron-deficiency anemia, skin rashes, atherosclerosis, and acne.

It is the primary cause of recurrent ear infections in children. It has also been linked to insulin dependent diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, infertility, and leukemia.

Hopefully, you will reconsider your position on using milk as a form of nourishment. Small amounts of milk or milk products taken infrequently, will likely cause little or no problems for most people.

However, the American Dairy Board has done a very effective job of marketing this product. Most people believe they need to consume large, daily quantities of milk to achieve good health. NOTHING could be further from the truth.

Public health officials and the National Dairy Council have worked together in this country to make it very difficult to obtain wholesome, fresh, raw dairy products. Nevertheless, they can be found with a little effort. In some states, you can buy raw milk directly from farmers.

Whole, pasteurized, non-homogenized milk from cows raised on organic feed is now available in many gourmet shops and health food stores. It can be cultured to restore enzyme content, at least partially. Cultured buttermilk is often more easily digested than regular milk; it is an excellent product to use in baking.

Many shops now carry whole cream that is merely pasteurized (not ultra pasteurized like most commercial cream); diluted with water, it is delicious on cereal and a good substitute for those allergic to milk.

Traditionally made creme fraiche (European style sour cream), it also has a high enzyme content.
Interesting, as I've almost always had issues from dairy I think to some degree, and mostly I stay away from it at this point except for cheeses and some yogurt. What do you think is the mechanism or reason why raw milk or raw dairy in general improves one's ability to handle it or reaction to it?
Maybe buy a 1/2 gallon or pint size of raw milk to see if it gives you issues. I’ve read some people that are lactose intolerate some how can digest raw milk well while others have the same issues as with regular whole milk from a grocery store. I’m not 100% sure if my digestion issues are directly fixed and correlated to raw dairy intake, I’ve also been really decreasing processed foods and processed carbs (white breads, pastas etc) as well but still consuming some. But raw whole milk has significantly higher nutrient content than store bought whole milk.
One thing that’s really annoying is all the crap (seed oils) in most all salad dressings and condiments. Even store bought balsamic vinegrette dressing, has seed oil (canola or sesame?) as the top ingredient and usually that dressing is consider “most healthy” over Ranch, Thousand Island etc.
How many days a week are you working 6am to 6pm?
Just Saturdays and Sundays right now. But I'm getting ready to be able to turn that portion of my business over to a trustworthy manager within the next 6 months. But then I'll be on a cross country road trip for a year looking for a deep in the wilderness off-grid 100 acre+ parcel of land and beefing up the inventory for my business (think American Pickers). So I won't be settled in one place for at least two years, and even then I'll be an hour or two drive from a church (which I'll make once or twice a month just to attend).
If you have digestive /Gastro issues, I’d consider finding a source for raw dairy products. I’ve been drinking 8oz of raw whole milk each day, with small serving of cottage cheese, and I swear It’s completely fixed me it seems.
Thanks for that info. My issues aren't so much GI but musculoskeletal, being tired a lot, and overly-frequent urination. However, this is improving rapidly since quitting smoking/drinking (imagine that?), eating better, cutting out caffeine, taking a daily multivitamin, and I've just added collagen too (thanks to @Samseau and @ginsu for that recommendation).
Just Saturdays and Sundays right now. But I'm getting ready to be able to turn that portion of my business over to a trustworthy manager within the next 6 months. But then I'll be on a cross country road trip for a year looking for a deep in the wilderness off-grid 100 acre+ parcel of land and beefing up the inventory for my business (think American Pickers). So I won't be settled in one place for at least two years, and even then I'll be an hour or two drive from a church (which I'll make once or twice a month just to attend).

Thanks for that info. My issues aren't so much GI but musculoskeletal, being tired a lot, and overly-frequent urination. However, this is improving rapidly since quitting smoking/drinking (imagine that?), eating better, cutting out caffeine, taking a daily multivitamin, and I've just added collagen too (thanks to @Samseau and @ginsu for that recommendation).

God Bless you on your journey brother

Research saw palmetto for the frequent urination if you want to stick with the all natural route. If you're taking basic supplement suggestions besides a comprehensive multivitamin look into krill oil and coq10 for your heart. You can get wild with the supplements I have a cabinet full of them and I'll tell you specifically the reason why I bought each one and what it does but for just general health....a comprehensive multivitamin, krill oil and coq10 should cover it. Maybe also a probiotic but you can cover that with food easier than other things. Also if you're going to use a collagen supplement get one which also includes hylauronic acid, doesn't hurt and many of them do they kinda go hand in hand.
God Bless you on your journey brother

Research saw palmetto for the frequent urination if you want to stick with the all natural route. If you're taking basic supplement suggestions besides a comprehensive multivitamin look into krill oil and coq10 for your heart. You can get wild with the supplements I have a cabinet full of them and I'll tell you specifically the reason why I bought each one and what it does but for just general health....a comprehensive multivitamin, krill oil and coq10 should cover it. Maybe also a probiotic but you can cover that with food easier than other things. Also if you're going to use a collagen supplement get one which also includes hylauronic acid, doesn't hurt and many of them do they kinda go hand in hand.
Thank you brother! Will get on the krill and coq10 too. Will these help unclogging arteries too or is that even possible? I know aerobic exercise is really beneficial to heart health, but is there any protocol that you know of that can help break up plaque in the arteries? I haven't been diagnosed with heart disease (officially) but I'm sure I have it due to family history, age, and having been a past smoker and mild consumer of unhealthy food (I've always cooked fairly healthy food for myself but I've also eaten my share of fast food, ice cream, and doughnuts).
Thank you brother! Will get on the krill and coq10 too. Will these help unclogging arteries too or is that even possible? I know aerobic exercise is really beneficial to heart health, but is there any protocol that you know of that can help break up plaque in the arteries? I haven't been diagnosed with heart disease (officially) but I'm sure I have it due to family history, age, and having been a past smoker and mild consumer of unhealthy food (I've always cooked fairly healthy food for myself but I've also eaten my share of fast food, ice cream, and doughnuts).

I'll be honest brother that isn't something I have researched and I don't want to mislead you in regards to it. I do know that among bodybuilding circles where guys have abused the hell out of their hearts for years and years the krill oil and coq10 are considered essential.
One more thing, if longevity is a concern of yours I would also look into Berberine. Metformin is actually more effective but I like to stay away from anything pharmaceutical if I can, I used to use metformin but switched to berberine as there was a cancer scare with the metformin......shocker. Many new studies have shown that lowering blood sugar is a massive factor in longevity. Just be warned that some people don't tolerate it well to start, stomach issues, but it's not everyone and it subsides with normal use. I personally never had an issue with that.

Also not all supplements are created equal many of them are just outright fakes and contain little to nothing of what they claim to even big brand ones. In my research I have found the "now" brand consistently ranks well on any testing list.

Again you can go bonkers with the supplements if you want to, I'm not trying to put that on your head but you said you have concerns over past abuse of your body and possibly heart issues. Let's keep you around Gods earth for as long as we can brother....