Since Snowden, we know that the intel agencies are collecting meta data and spying on Americans. Regarding law enforcement like FBI or state / local PDs, I don’t know how other countries work, but in the US your chances are slim to none of anything happening to you for speaking out politically on the internet.
First off, it’s not a crime (yet) Second, these departments don’t have the resources to look at online forums all day. There’s real crime happening and there are guys walking around free on bail with a ton of priors. I mean walking free down the street waiting for a court trial.
Most local PDs are conservative. If some rookie brought in ‘evidence’ for investigation of say this or another forum and complained of Trump supporters being racist or some nonsense, he’d soon become the laughing stock of the entire department.
What is more concerning is all the data being stored in databases for a future social credit score type system. That is a possibility.
The last thing I want to state, and I don’t mean any disrespect to the members here, is they usually go after the big fish, not random posters on the internet. There are also millions of X and social media users who openly reveal themselves and are easy pickings for some rogue agency or bad actors.