Try reading the Bible sometime
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God."
The Talmud problem is way bigger than Trump, but Trump works within a broken system to bring about peace, which is good for the world and obeys the will of God.
The fact that you criticize this shows you are someone with a spirit of antichrist. Of all the things to criticize - peace? You for real? Who cares if he gets an award from the Talmuds, it doesn't matter what they think, peace is objectively good.
You once again reveal yourself for the neophyte convert who's inflated ego brings him to defend those who cut his paychecks over any form of absolute truth. While you were advocating anal sex and dancing game for guys to get laid I was already decades in the Church having received the sacraments, attending the Latin Rite, and reading scripture in Latin weekly. Your blind allegiance to Trump above all else is obvious to everyone here, who may just be afraid of calling you out on it because you are a moderator. Your influence does not give you the moral high ground especially when your defense of Trump amounts to nothing more than unquestioning worship of a false idol. The one who is deceived by an obvious antichrist is you.
You seem to forget that the title of
Prince of Peace belongs to Christ alone (Isaiah 9:6), not a man who profits from bloodshed and betrayal. To elevate any human being to this position is idolatry and blasphemy, which is exactly what the Bible warns us against. Trump has allied with the enemies of Christ, the enemies of righteousness, who profit from his policies, and has been lauded as a ‘Prince of Peace’ by these enemies of grace who promote war, division, and injustice. You speak of peace, but what peace are you really speaking of?
The real enemies of Christ are those who support the systems of globalism, exploitation, and deception that are antichrist at their core. I don’t serve the false prince who sits on a throne of lies and supports those jews who oppress God’s people. I follow the Prince of Peace who delivers true justice, mercy, and righteousness. I reject the idolatry of a system that uses Christ's name for personal gain and profit. Christ’s peace was never about coddling the oppressor nor about giving comfort to those who destroy God’s creation for their own gain.
Look at what the Bible actually teaches about true peace and the role of leaders. Peace is not just a superficial concept, it is rooted in justice, righteousness, and God’s will. Trump’s policies of supporting Israel’s occupation of Palestine, which they have done with genocidal zeal, are not merely morally questionable, they go against the very core of biblical justice.
He does not fit the verse
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God" when that so-called peace was built on a mountain range of child corpses. Everything israel does is antichrist.
True peace comes from righteousness (Isaiah 32:17). The peace that he promotes and is "awarded" for by satanic jews is false peace, a peace that subjugates rather than liberates. In fact,
peace without justice is a deception (Jeremiah 6:14). Where is the justice for all the murdered children?
As for your claim that peace with the Talmudic community doesn’t matter,, true peace doesn’t come from corrupt systems that are complicit in the destruction of God’s people. You claim peace is objectively good, but without righteousness and justice, it is nothing but a false peace that feeds into the hands of the elite powers that profit from chaos and division.
You cannot sit at the table with liars, murderers, and traitors and pretend you are working for peace. Christ commanded us to be peacemakers, but the peace He spoke of is the peace that comes from repentance, justice, and standing against evil. Not the peace of the devil that rewards the wicked and punishes the just. You defend Trump as if he is the instrument of peace but in doing so you condone his betrayal of God’s people, as well as his complicity in the slaughter of the innocent and his relentless service to the gods of Mammon.
Your rhetoric about peace is a smoke screen, a tool used by the enemy to blind the masses. You say I have the spirit of antichrist, but look at your own delusion! The true spirit of antichrist is the spirit that rewards those who serve the world’s power and its lies, while condemning those who expose it. The Bible warns us that the antichrist spirit will come with deceptive peace, and you are calling that peace good. You are willing to sell your soul for temporary comfort and refuse to see the long-term devastation of such a mindset.
Everyone here can see what you are doing. You are the only one that downvotes every single post that critiques Trump. Is that some kind of contractual obligation to your employers or is that merely a side affect of your devotion to him? You can't stand exposure of him. You also refuse to call them filthy jews and call them "talmuds" because you are either trying to save face in the event that you are doxxed so you can weasel your way out of a kangaroo court with a plea bargain, or so that your position with the republican party is not occupationally compromised.
I pray that you repent for your blindness and realize that peace is not about accommodating the wicked but resisting the devil and standing against all his schemes while promoting the righteousness of God. And that righteousness has no place in the false promises of those who are servants of Mammon. Do not call me the one with the spirit of antichrist when your words defend a man who openly serves that very same spirit.
While the man has obvious qualities, some of us have taken a moral stance to never align with those who support the jews no matter what. They only deserve exposure.