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  • Found this regarding your question on @doodydota profile:
    Relocating to Texas soon. Have a choice between any of the major cities. Any of them stand out as particularly favorable with regards to the Orthodox community?
    Cornelius V.E.
    Cornelius V.E.
    I'd try to move near one of the Ephraimite monasteries (Holy Archangels or St. Paraskevi). I think they're near Austin and Houston, respectively.
    Houston has great Orthodox parishes. St Joseph's (Antiochian), St George's (Antiochian), St Jonah's (ROCOR) which I am a parishioner at. Both Ephramite Monasteries are within 4 hours of Houston.
    Good luck with it. I've been wanting to visit Texas for many years now. Was hampered when the wish was strong by the rules against unvaxed travellers then other stuff came up. Still hope to make it one day. Am tied to Europe so will just be a visit at some point.
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