Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

Bad reference to the Ju Jitsu Cheerleader and her perfect take down I reckon... I saw this recently and thought a good laugh was needed to break the horror of what's going on?

Carry on Good Sirs with the Daily Trauma...

Update on the collapse of America.Houston is the 3rd or 4th largest city in the US.Over the past 3 years, there have been 3 separate weather events that have knocked major parts of the city off the power grid for over 3 or 4 days.Over 2mil ppl lost power Monday morning and most won't have power restored till end of week.

The city officials and
energy blame the "unexpected hurricane." But Houston gets a big hurricane every few years, much bigger than Hurricane Beryl, which was barely a Category 1. Never have those past hurricanes caused a major power outage that crippled 90% of residents and businesses, like we see now.No other country experiences extended power outages like this. Not even in the "developing" world. My friends in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, South Africa, and Turkey say that, at most, they have only experienced 3 or 4 hours of power loss at a time. Never more than a day.

Why is this happening in the US?

Most of the US infrastructure is over 50 years old and fast collapsing. And the people in charge of these systems are either completely corrupt or completely incompetent, or both. For citizens, the cost of living in the US has been skyrocketing. Utility bills continue to rise. Mandatory insurance rates increase steadily every year. Sales tax, property tax, and city taxes also rise, while politicians show no sign of concern for anything except the corporate interests they are paid to serve.

All these resources are being vacuumed from the public, and only pennies are spent to maintain, let alone improve, public services.

The result?

These kinds of basic public service interruptions are only becoming more frequent.

Major power outages are the canary in the coal mine. When vital services like power and water experience catastrophic system failures, taking days to restore, that means less vital systems are in even worse shape.

Many have predicted the fall of the US empire. But I think the projections have been too optimistic. It's surprising how fast things are falling apart.
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Most of the US infrastructure is over 50 years old and fast collapsing. And the people in charge of these systems are either completely corrupt or completely incompetent, or both.

In addition to that the older infrastructure is usually more robust than anything new that they are building. My small community is supported by two grids, one older and the other quite new. The newer one has constant outages but the older never does. It does extremely well during severe storms.
Literally biological weapons.

Here's another article on it:

These blacks from Haiti are some of the most violent and satanic people on the earth. This is like a WW2 carpet-bombing of a German city, except the bombs don't go off on impact, they each have their own appetite and mind to go off on their own schedule and kill as many as they desire.

The DHS gave the haitians "temporary protection status" with the tentative dates of 6/3/24-2/3/26. The town was concerned last year when there was 5,000-13,000. There are no funds for the town to deal with it. Springfield Ohio is home to 178th Wing of National Guard. They could handle it, but their hands are tied.

The displacing of the Whites with their jobs is soon to be over with the enactment of the erasing of the Whites with their lives courtesy of the jews pet biological weapons.

The only option is to fight back guerilla style at first against both the government that is sponsoring and cultivating this genocide as well as shooting the foreign hordes. This is the future the jews have all but guaranteed. Only Spartan Whites will be up to this task, and once the shooting starts, it will go full Turner Diaries pretty quickly.

I still advocate praying for an alternative in addition to any physical prepping, despite how unrealistic it is at this point. God hears our pleas, and if we are forced into a violent encounter or multiple with these savages and the traitors within the governments of the west, it is best to have God's protection and be at peace with Him were things to turn for the worse and also for our souls to be forged with His strength and be forgiven for what each of us would have to do to ensure the survival or our family at the expense of the enemy.
Here's another article on it:

These blacks from Haiti are some of the most violent and satanic people on the earth. This is like a WW2 carpet-bombing of a German city, except the bombs don't go off on impact, they each have their own appetite and mind to go off on their own schedule and kill as many as they desire.

The DHS gave the haitians "temporary protection status" with the tentative dates of 6/3/24-2/3/26. The town was concerned last year when there was 5,000-13,000. There are no funds for the town to deal with it. Springfield Ohio is home to 178th Wing of National Guard. They could handle it, but their hands are tied.

The displacing of the Whites with their jobs is soon to be over with the enactment of the erasing of the Whites with their lives courtesy of the jews pet biological weapons.

The only option is to fight back guerilla style at first against both the government that is sponsoring and cultivating this genocide as well as shooting the foreign hordes. This is the future the jews have all but guaranteed. Only Spartan Whites will be up to this task, and once the shooting starts, it will go full Turner Diaries pretty quickly.

I still advocate praying for an alternative in addition to any physical prepping, despite how unrealistic it is at this point. God hears our pleas, and if we are forced into a violent encounter or multiple with these savages and the traitors within the governments of the west, it is best to have God's protection and be at peace with Him were things to turn for the worse and also for our souls to be forged with His strength and be forgiven for what each of us would have to do to ensure the survival or our family at the expense of the enemy.
I had posted this podcast before, not this episode, but the same podcast. The podcast is extremely long, but these two guys do great research and probably put out the best truthful material out there. They did a deep dive on Haiti v. Dominican Republic, which taught me some things I was very unaware of. Most of you don't want to listen to a two hour podcast, so here are the highlights.

When Haiti had their revolution against White slave owners in the early 1800's, they killed every single White (man, woman, child), except White women who were willing to marry a Black man.

Haiti also stormed Dominican Republic and killed many of their people as well, which caused a war. To this day, not only does Dominican Republic still hate Haiti, they are constantly kicking the illegal immigrants from Haiti out. Many Dominic Republicans will consider themselves "mixed race" and not "Black" due to this multi-century violent dispute.

Very interesting fact, Napoleon had sent the French Navy to Haiti to quell the uprising (Haiti at that time was a very wealthy French colony with sugar exports) and the US Navy stopped them. The founding fathers thought they could let the Haitians kill out the French Whites and then eventually make it a colony of their own, which never materialized.

Anyway, long story short, the violence we see from Haitians is just expected behavior and it will only spread until something serious is done about these issues. No amount of money or education or after school activities will make a difference.


Every night I pray for an alternate path, away from violence, a way to fix this growing tower of Babel. I will never stop praying for this, because it is of the utmost importance and I don't want to see violence. I think this is an important prayer for all Christians, the tower of Babel experiment is a massive failure and we need to have a peaceful reset before it goes sour. Thank you for your prayers for this situation.
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Scott Adams has a point.

Article says the angry stomper is 13 years old.

EXCLUSIVE: 13-year-old basketball player stomps on opponent's head during Bay Area game​

ALAMEDA. Calif. (KGO) -- There is a police investigation over what is seen on video in this story. One 13-year-old basketball player stomping on an opposing player's head.

"He was down on the floor and this kid just came and just stomped on him and on his head."

Eva and Roderick Guingab's son was playing on the Tumakbo United team, which is a Filipino-American youth team based in the Bay Area, with players from all across the U.S.

The game took place Sunday at the College of Alameda versus Payton's Place, another Bay Area team. There was a scuffle to get possession of the ball, then another player reacts.

"You could clearly see the size of his shoe on his face. My son suffered a concussion for the first time he played basketball," said Eva Guingab.

The Guingabs says their son is now in concussion protocol and still dealing with headaches. The family of the other boy who did the stomping, says that he was standing up for his teammate who he believed had just been kicked and punched in this melee.

Family members tell me the player for Payton's Place is now being cyberbullied by adults online.

They also say he immediately left the gym after this because he was told to leave by an organizer.

The Payton's Place team says the boy is "seeking help to control his emotions and he is not playing with the program at this time." They also say they are saddened by what happened adding, "The behavior that was exhibited by our player is not acceptable, and is being taken seriously."

Police say this is an ongoing investigation after the Guingabs filed a report.

"I think everyone was just in shock - I think we all kind of went on the court and went to the coach of the other team to say, 'What just happened what's going on?'" said Michael Tolentino who coaches Tumakbo United.

"If we don't say anything right now, this kid will think it's OK to do it because he's young. He thinks that walking away from this situation is OK, and it's not OK," said Guingab.

There are also questions about possible attacks that happened after the stomp, involving parents and officials but nothing could be seen on video and police haven't detailed those to us.

Coaches tell us these players have played against each other several times over the years, saying that race was not a factor here in anything that happened. Once Alameda police wrap this investigation, it will be up to the Alameda County District Attorney to decided if any action should be taken.