Conservatives Are Losers

This is rich coming from Roosh.

He moderated @Samseau for claiming Anders Breivik “didn’t do anything wrong” on the old forum.

Most were all like “he murdered children”, when he murdered teens at a political summer camp. Meanwhile the average normie would claim they would kill Hitler as a baby.

But of course Christian’s can’t use violence, would be the response. Except some Christians claim self defense is the exception, and guess what, Anders Breivik claimed to be acting in self defense of his country.

No logic from Christians because too dumb to think long term. There is no way Roosh would openly praise a mass shooter against great replacement theory (Brenton Tarrant, Patrick Crusius), and he will still claim to suggest violence is the answer.

In fact, my first ban on the RVF was for posting an image used by Muslims, which showed that America was controlled by Israel while the rest of the Muslim world kept silent. He said I was race baiting.

With regards to Anders Brevik, I said someday Anders would be celebrated as a hero as the rest of Europe became a Muslim dump. Got banned for that too.

In all of these cases, I did not care, as I knew I was too far ahead. I merely planted the seed in Roosh's mind, and waited for it to germinate. Eventually he became more conservative, and then finally made the jump to true Christianity (Orthodoxy). Roosh did good.

However, I think the biggest failure of conservatism in the past 10 years was January 6th. They rigged an election and "conservatives" did not bother to defend their own elections system. That was the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in my life.

I can understand why Roosh wasn't there, as he had already did more to fight against globohomo than anyone else (including having his own private life destroyed), but, there was no excuse for the rest of cucked out America.

Nothing proved the failure of "conservatism" than the cowardly showing in J6. People were more scared of losing their job than they were losing their country, so they didn't protest. That was pretty much a blank check for the Talmudic Jews. Only 1 million showed up, there should have been 20m and the entire city probably would have burned to the ground. A fatal missed opportunity that has most likely completely doomed America, which is why we see us death spiraling into WW3.

The only course of action left at this point is to rebuild the Church.
there was one from much earlier, circa 2012-2013, perhaps even 2014, on the old website called "The Republican Party needs to go away." The writer had some interesting musings but I remember talking about it with other guys at the time, the idea that without this hopium party, the radical left would destroy themselves in their power-grab to reshape the world in their delusions and it would essentially free everyone who was stronger, a "might is right" accelerationist perspective.

The Republican Party Needs To Go Away​

by Douglas Heppner

Reflecting on the situation​

I was talking with a gentleman in the recent past about the political prospects for the 2016 presidential election. The usual blue pill topics of abortion, gun-control, immigration, and gay marriage came up. This gentleman informed me that he was voting Republican no matter what merely because he would not vote Democrat. This made me think of the duality of the two-party system and the role the Republicans play in it. It appears today that the Republican Party exists to provide a common enemy for the vast left-wing coalition that makes up the Democrat Party. Without this common enemy, there would be no unifying factor within the Democratic Party.


I find this strange that fundamentalist Muslim immigrants vote for the same party as LGBTQXYZ social justice warriors. Why is this? It is clever identity politics at work. Why do these two disparate groups vote for the same party? They do simply because they cannot vote for the other one. If the other one did not exist, they would actually have to make a choice against each other. This would shake up politics for the better.

I could go on and on forever on the cognitive dissonance of Republican policies as compared to their party platforms. Even though they state they are of a different ideological grouping, the shot callers of the Republican Party are quite similar to the shot callers of the Democrat Party. For the sake of brevity, I will use a lone Republican politician as the example here for both of these concepts. This example is Rafael Edward Cruz. In case you didn’t know, he is the junior Republican Senator from the state of Texas. It would appear he forsaken the name his parents gave him to appear more American to voters. He is known as “Ted” Cruz.

It seems this Senator Cruz might actually make a run for the 2016 presidential election. This could be a problem, since the United States Constitution says only natural born citizens who have reached the age of 35 may run for president. You see, Senator Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban father. While legal theorists have argued that natural citizen means someone who would be one at birth due to his mother’s or father’s citizenship, the issue is the fact that some elements of the Tea Party have made the natural born citizen case against President Obama. If the Tea Party would support Cruz for President, it would highlight their hypocrisy because President Obama’s mother was also a United States citizen.

His political grandstanding and theatrics in the Senate have made him an effective symbol to the opposition. They use him as a symbol to unite very many disparate groups. While he has become a star to the Tea Party over such issues as gun control, the affordable care act, and NSA surveillance, he has not actually done anything to further Republican policies in an affirmative way. It almost appears to be controlled opposition to me. When one looks at his education, he comes from the same place of many of the liberals he opposes came from. He did his undergraduate studies at Princeton University and he went to law school at Harvard. Those places are not known for their indoctrination in “prying it from my cold dead hands”. Another interesting facet of his life is that his wife works for Goldman Sachs. Apparently, she is some sort of VP. This is a very big red flag because American politics is known for nepotism.

What would happen if the Republican Party ceased to be a mainline political institution in America? The first major occurrence would be the breakup of the Democrat Party. Without such a unifying enemy for everyone to oppose, the Democrats would implode due to ideological differences under their own tent. This would shake up politics and make people more honest to their constituents. As I said earlier, abortion, gun-control, immigration, and gay marriage are merely distractions. Important issues such as deficit spending, infrastructure development, and building the industrial base are far more important. Both parties appear to be on the same page on these issues, judging from their actions not their words.

A new idea to shake up politics​

Why work to destroy Republican influence? They are the weaker of the parties in a two-party system. In order to break the left-right paradigm found in American politics today you have to get rid of one of them. The Republican Party is the easier target. While I may agree with some of the policies on the platform, they seem merely to exist for their own power on the “not democrat” vote.

How does one work to lessen the influence of the Republican Party? Simple, do not vote for them and do not donate any money to them. What happens when the Democrats get total control? I can read demographical statistics—the Democrats will get total control in the future anyway. It is better to bring that day of reckoning forward instead of kicking the can down the street and giving federal retirements to ungrateful politicians on both sides of the aisle with that extra time. If you cannot bring yourself to vote Democrat, just write your own name in the ballot. Do not give away your vote by default.
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The conservative talking points are quickly losing steam. I think Trump easily wins this coming election, I think the GOP keeps the House and might even win the Senate. People are hurting badly and want someone to make things better. But there is a chance the DNC sweeps all three of these in November and that is because a large contingent of young men realize the title of this very thread is both a fact and a very dangerous situation to put any faith into.

@It_Is_My_Time , the subject of this thread is Conservatives Are Losers,
the election thread is here:
This thread is not about elections, thank you!
I'm not talking about the election, I am talking about how conservatives are such big losers, with horrible posts like Matt Gaetz, that it might cost them the upcoming election that is all but a guaranteed win. This has nothing to do with election specifics, it has to do with conservatives are such losers that even in a "sure thing election" they can find ways to still potentially lose. Their talking points, like boomer-con "Obama runs the Democrats" are no longer working on young men. I have no idea what their fallback plan is at this time, other than to just be proud of losing with dignity.

This is true of conservative parties across Europe and the rest of the west, in all their upcoming elections, whenever and wherever they are at. That they will find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory because of really low IQ boomer-con talking points that just piss young men off.

I guess a winning message, without going full anti-Zionist/White Nationalists, would be to stop attacking the drama/soap opera that is DC with "Obama is running the DNC" because it doesn't do us any good, even if it were true, to be upset about it, and instead talk real policy. How specifically you can remove illegal aliens, how specifically you can find peace in Ukraine, how specifically we can fix the economy and deal with welfare leaches. Instead, it is just empty pie in the sky promises and then empty rhetoric mudslinging that just turns off the middle class, all across the west, who are getting crushed by inflation, endless wars, open borders, and a collapse in the quality of life.
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That the moderate conservatism of Macron had a pact with state Communists and Anarchists to muffle the popular will behind the National Rally and that said Leftists united with the movement of global capital, lead by a Rothschild hired-help, tells you all that you need to know about the materialist dialectal process.
How does one work to lessen the influence of the Republican Party? Simple, do not vote for them and do not donate any money to them. What happens when the Democrats get total control? I can read demographical statistics—the Democrats will get total control in the future anyway. It is better to bring that day of reckoning forward instead of kicking the can down the street and giving federal retirements to ungrateful politicians on both sides of the aisle with that extra time. If you cannot bring yourself to vote Democrat, just write your own name in the ballot. Do not give away your vote by default.

This is a garbage political strategy - doing nothing results in defeat.

Either build a new party or vote Republican. Doing nothing is the worst possible move. The fact that "conservatives" think doing nothing is a good move is exactly why they are losers.