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Stand up Comedy

Steady Hands

Other Christian
This thread is for standup comedy clips and longer specials.

Threads based on GIFs, memes or pics can be great when you want to have a chuckle with the volume off. For this thread, turn the volume on =)

[Warning: language]
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Any one here watch kill tony? It's basically a roast show every Monday 9pm est and it's usually a good panel and good times. Basically it's two hours of random bucket pulls from the crowd or alley and someone or something comes up to the stage and tries to do comedy. It's usually a good time but sometimes some real cringe stuff comes to the stage. Below is the most recent episode.

Comedy is good, I feel like I enjoy more comics that do not lean into sexual things. I think it's low brow for the most part. The best comedy is not always the clean but there are good ways to do it or just lazy ways.

I always enjoyed Sebastian Maniscalco type of comedy. Some physical some story telling and he is just talks about everyday life. I enjoy Pablo Francisco as well. His impersonations are great.

Ben Bankas

"Maybe we should do more of that"

Screenshot_20240105_185441_Photo Editor.jpg

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I used to perform stand up regularly and knew that guy Ben Bankas (not well though) but saw him a lot at open mics.

How he is not completely insane living in Toronto I don't know. But fair play for him making his style of comedy work in a country I imagine many places are incredibly hostile.
It's nice posting some anti-woke comedy but for us to only like comedy that is on 'our side' it's kind of the same as liberal lefties only liking comedy that supports their world views.

What about non political comedy that's just funny and creative?

Mitch Hedberg for example. Wholesome and fun stuff.
I tried my hand at standup comedy last weekend.
Well, kind of.... It wasn't original material, but a well known 4 minute routine I memorized and recited in the stand-up style.
It was a real buzz to prepare for it. I've never done anything like it in my life and despite my nerves, I delivered it perfectly.
In the end though, it was a bit of a failure. It was a noisy venue, and people just didn't listen. Apart from a few at the front who laughed and clapped, most people there wouldn't have even noticed I was telling jokes.
It was a good learning experience for me anyway.

The Aussies will know it. This was my Australia Day special at the RSL